It's amazing how the kids look at guys like 2pac and Biggie to be "old" and historical legends when it was only 28 years ago when Pac was killed. Pac is only 6 years older than me and I can remember it like yesterday. Doesn't seem that long to me. To put it in perspective, Malcolm X dropped in the fall of 1992. I was 15 years old wanting badly to see this film. This was only 27 years after Malcolm's death in 1965. As a 15 year old, those 27 years may as well have been during the time of the Civil War. It just seemed so long ago because I hadn't lived it like my mother(who was 9 in 1965). I am happy to share my knowledge of that era and show my friend's kids, along with my neices/nephes in their 20s hip hop magazines and tapes, cds, vhs tapes of Rap city from that era and describe what it was like. I have to also remind them quite often "2pac wasn't that much older than me".