Halo 4 for Xbox 360 - GameRankings
86.8 is great but not anything
check out the reviews for Super Mario Galaxy
Here's the problem, who is reviewing these games?
IGN isn't a reviewer, WHO IS REVIEWING these games.
When you find that out, you'll realize that the people they get to review there games OFTEN don't even like the genres they review
And games they do like, well.. they have to review every other game in the same genre too
Doesn't leave much time to really enjoy a game. So most of the time, the reviewer is a guy who is gamed out and only likes certain types of games that they get quick enjoyment out of (not long term enjoyment)
Games like that tend to rate higher because of what I'm saying.
Its the sole reason why I started up my own shyt, and hopefully you all will see what I been up to
Safe to say that M$ won this gen, software wise?
Software by a landslide. Ditto with Hardware.
Wii did have the lead about 2yrs ago when it finally surpassed xbox. But the wii hasn't been selling hardly at all for almost 2yrs. While the xbox has only sold more each year than previous years which is something that has never happened in this industry before. Not for 6yrs straight.
So xbox has already regained that top spot. Also, sony and nintendo report systems "shipped" and not systems "sold" like microsoft does.
With these skewed numbers, xbox was neck and neck with both companies.
Only fanboys of one system refuses to acknowledge what I just told you
But this info is available via google or wherever.
I always found it odd that the masses don't accept this FACT.. or they rather ignore it like if its not true. The power of fanboyism is a muthafukka