When the U.S. overthrew Haitis government in 2004, Washington proclaimed the invasion a humanitarian enterprise. Now it turns out that Haitis earth and waters are filled with gold and oil. The U.S.-controlled World Bank has volunteered to help rewrite the Haitian constitution, to allow easier access for foreign extraction corporations. Haitians must, as always, look out for themselves.
Haiti: US to Re-Write Haiti Constitution to Better Service the One Percent
by Ezili Dantò
It's a slightly repackaged imperial economic pillage but the same old arsonist/fireman modus operandi.
The leech says, "I cling to you because without your blood, I have no life."
As long as white supremacy paints Haiti as a failed state because of weak public services, when Haiti is prevented by US unfair trade and World Bank/IMF structural adjustments from investing in its own local economy and paints the Clintons, Paul Farmers, UN, World Bank, the NGOs and their three-piece suited Eurocentric-Haiti collaborators with the mark of international distinction and service to humanity, Haiti's pains will continue to be their cash cow.
"The holocaust in Ayiti continues. The insane imperial narrative and custom of honoring rapists, murderers, torturers, degenerate pedophile maniacs, pillagers, plunderers, enslavers and poverty pimps, starting with Christopher Columbus, who set forth the most prolonged genocides and horrific terrors in recorded human history, continues today. Officialdom honors the UN and UN envoys to Haiti as humanitarians or God bringing security, stability, peace, law, Christian ethos and Western civilization. Too many have jobs, egos, power and prestige invested in the profit-over-people system to see that the current saviors of Haiti extend mostly the same narcissistic, cultural blindness and denials as the initial missionaries/humanitarians brought to Haiti in 1492."Ezili Dantò of HLLN, Oct. 10, 2011 , Bill Clinton has more power in Haiti than Haitis president: The Holocaust Continues.
There's a new move by the discredited Haiti rescuers, led today by Obama/the Clintons/USAID/UN, the Paul Farmer-led NGOS and their International Financing Institutions to refocus their fundraising scam away from "earthquake reconstruction relief" now to "cholera relief," or to "local agriculture relief," and "mining protection relief for Haitians!" It's a slightly repackaged imperial economic pillage but the same old arsonist/fireman modus operandi. Same failures intended to enrich the global North, impoverish Haiti (UN Capitalizing on Cholera: playing arsonist and fireman and The Pain Rush in Haiti : Clorox Hunger lives in the same space that billions of dollars in "aid" are supposed to have being poured.)
The NGOs carry out US imperial policies in Haiti in exchange for "charity funding" - which means, they money launder US tax payer and donor dollars and put it in their pockets. US imperial policies is about destroying Haiti manufacturing and local economy, expropriating Haiti natural resources and making a larger Haiti market for their subsidized Wall Street monopolies.
Se mèt ki veye kò - The Haiti Population Must Look Out for Itself
Racism continually allows the Haiti perspective and non-colonial narrative to be marginalized. But Ezili's HLLN has been the voice ahead of all to sound the alarm, to consistently and almost daily provide the tools for Haiti defense for nearly ten years now. We cover all things Desalin, Dantò and about Haiti riches, Haiti epistemology.
Back in 2004, when Ezili's HLLN noted that the US occupation of Haiti wasn't because the US wanted to protect Haiti civil rights and stop a supposedly abusive Haiti elected government under Aristide. It was about stopping that popularly elected government from nationalizing Haiti resources. When we pointed this out, not one of the charitable industrial complex organizations today purporting to be helping Haiti protect itself with "good mining" laws would quote our work, not then and not now.
We were called the apologists for Lavalas and most of the foreign Haiti experts announced that Haiti had no resources the US could want. Today, the US occupiers are freely announcing their intent to change Haiti's mining laws with little public dissent of their nefarious occupation and resource pillages in Haiti. Ezili's HLLN is still the only voice out here exposing Oxfam, World Bank and the other fake philanthropic folks involved in protecting the interests of the one percenters, re-writing Haiti mining laws.
The invaders in Haiti finally admit Haiti has gold, iridium, uranium. It seems Haiti's $20 billion in gold exist only when the "discoverers" are ready to proclaim Haiti has riches. They've still strategically refuse to acknowledge that the US has built its fifth largest embassy after Iraq, Afghanistan, China, Germany in Haiti because Haiti oil is an Olympic pool to Venezuela's glass of water. (See, Haiti Riches and Haiti rich in unexplored hydrocarbons (with potential oil reserves larger than those of Venezuela) , gold, copper, uranium 238 and 235 and strategic metals and Did mining and oil drilling trigger the Haiti earthquake?)
If you want to be ahead of the corporate lies, there's a Kreyòl, Lakou New York Interview where HLLNs Ezili Dantò talks about environmental degradation concerns, Haiti resources and the foreign mining of Haiti resources. It was broadcasted in 2009 before the earthquake, before foreign cholera, before the public pillage of earthquake donor dollars. The English parallel (the text is here) to the 2009 Kreyòl interview may be listened to at Ezili Dantò with Chris Scott- CKUT on Haiti Riches.
At the point we did the interviews, it had just been announced that Haiti was no longer the "poorest" country in the Western Hemisphere, Nicaragua was. This was because of all the billions the foreigners had made in Haiti from 2004 to 2009 during the US occupation of Haiti. The economic elites made billions upon billions before the $9-billion the US "big-hearted humanitarians" would add to their coffers from laundering earthquake relief dollars largely back to US groups.
The US occupiers are freely announcing their intent to change Haiti's mining laws with little public dissent of their nefarious occupation and resource pillages in Haiti.
These interviews on Haiti Riches were done before the UN poisoned the Artibonite river with cholera. Haitians wondered then, in terms of US mining, what happens if mining chemicals poison the Artibonite river? Very uncanny this foreshadowing. For the invaders found another way to poison Haiti waters with greater market effectiveness.
We point to these unheralded Haitianist efforts to defend Haiti because of the current multinational and NGO efforts in Haiti to link mining to Haiti development! (See, Haiti must avoid the resource curse ; Haiti gets $35.5M grant to improve water services and World Bank says its helping Haiti draft mining legislation.)
Our "rescuers" benevolence is the decoy used for manufacturing consent to the US occupation in Haiti. Period, no comma. OXFAM, the IDB, the UN and the World Bank are simply howling a wolf's care for the sheep they're tearing apart.
Neither Oxfam, nor the World Bank are questioning that US Newmont mining, VCS Mining and Canadas Majescor et al, have managed to get the puppet Haiti president to WAIVE Haiti environmental and mining laws its Constitutional laws in order for US mining do open pit mining in areas close to earthquake fault lines in the North, in a country devastated by the last earthquake and with its water already poisoned by UN cholera. But the corporate media liberal and conservative are blithely writing PR articles about the World Bank "helping" Haiti draft mining laws. There's no outrage or concern that mining and oil drilling trigger are known to cause earthquakes.
Se mèt ki veye kò Haiti look out for yourself.
HLLN on the cholera case
Infecting over 650,000 and killing 8,200 Haitians with cholera in less than 2-years provides the NGO and multinational companies commercializing poverty and their Paul Farmer/Jim Yong Kim ilks with 1) more opportunity to raise funds that will be laundered back to this corporatocracy but called "Haiti aid" 2) the more Haitians die, the better to bring demand down and balance the elites' capital markets and 3) our deaths provide the multinational companies with the opportunity to privatize all sources of Haiti water under the pretext of cleaning Haiti water for the public's good health.
In October 2010, the very month that the UN imported cholera to Haiti, before the charitable industrial complex saviors entered the fray as big-hearted humanitarians to delay and defer Haiti justice, HLLN wrote:
"The accused cannot investigate itself. The United Nations being the prosecutor, the judge, the jury and the executioner, all in one, in the Haiti cholera case, is contrary to established traditions as well as established national and international laws. (Listen to Oct 30, 2010 interview with Yves Point Du Jour
"HLLN has never subscribed to the callous and profiting-on-misery notion of letting the UN independently investigate itself while Haiti's people die unmercifully. " --- Excerpt from HLLN complaint against the US occupational forces for bringing cholera to Haiti.
"The Alien Tort Statute (28 U.S.C. § 1350) of the United States Code reads: The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States. This statute is notable for allowing United States courts to hear human rights cases brought by foreign citizens for conduct committed outside the United States." --- Excerpt from HLLN complaint against the US occupational forces for bringing cholera to Haiti.
Do not be shocked if the UN/PAHO/WHO stealthily concludes and garners public consensus for the proposition that justice for Haiti cholera victims shall be served if a law is passed that makes all sources of Haiti water property of a foreign company like Bechtel and it shall clean Haiti's water and sell it back to Haitians.
Our deaths provide the multinational companies with the opportunity to privatize all sources of Haiti water under the pretext of cleaning Haiti water for the public's good health.
The Bolivian water wars is a good parallel to study in order to understand why Brian Concannon's Institute for Justice for Democracy (IDJH), a Dr. Paul Farmer affiliate, is "legally representing(?)" the Haiti cholera victims. IDJH like Paul Farmer have glaring ethical conflicts of interests issues that makes it impossible for them to vigorously defend the cholera victims by naming their own funders, employers, business associates and the primary funder of the US occupation the US government that occupies Haiti, their consulting firms and NGO cohorts as the Respondiat Superior for the destruction of Haiti government and water systems.
A first-year law student readily understands that Haiti needs immediate injunctive relief, restitution and damages. Injunctive relief is not subject to immunity laws. Neither the US government nor the UN are too big to be prosecuted for human rights crimes, tort or gross negligence. As the largest funder and the main orchestrator of the UN presence in Haiti, the US government, is legally, the Respondiat Superior for the cholera wrongdoings in Haiti along with the UN.
But the NGOs and their Hollywood, media and academic cohorts play firemen to the US government's arsonist role in Haiti and the global south. The professional posers the white industrial charitable complex play an underhanded game. For instance "The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) analyzed the $1.15 billion pledged after the January 2010 quake to Haiti and found that the "vast majority" of the money it could follow went straight to U.S. companies or organizations, more than half in the Washington area alone." (See also US military company DynCorp gets $48.6 million contract in Haiti to staff officers for UN mission ; Capitalizing on Cholera: playing arsonist and fireman and Haiti's earthquake generated a $9bn response where did the money go?)
Yet, CEPR and such foreign "policy researchers" on Haiti also claim IDJH/Paul Farmer and their fake cholera "lawsuit" against the UN along with the US/UN non-funded $2 billion proposal for privatizing clean water in 10-years in Haiti is a DIFFERENT, more positive paternal step for Haiti. That this sort of bait and switch, fraudulent Haiti aid and NGO funding always further weakens Haitis ability to handle its own affairs is of no consequence.
Haiti: US to Re-Write Haiti Constitution to Better Service the One Percent
by Ezili Dantò
It's a slightly repackaged imperial economic pillage but the same old arsonist/fireman modus operandi.
The leech says, "I cling to you because without your blood, I have no life."
As long as white supremacy paints Haiti as a failed state because of weak public services, when Haiti is prevented by US unfair trade and World Bank/IMF structural adjustments from investing in its own local economy and paints the Clintons, Paul Farmers, UN, World Bank, the NGOs and their three-piece suited Eurocentric-Haiti collaborators with the mark of international distinction and service to humanity, Haiti's pains will continue to be their cash cow.
"The holocaust in Ayiti continues. The insane imperial narrative and custom of honoring rapists, murderers, torturers, degenerate pedophile maniacs, pillagers, plunderers, enslavers and poverty pimps, starting with Christopher Columbus, who set forth the most prolonged genocides and horrific terrors in recorded human history, continues today. Officialdom honors the UN and UN envoys to Haiti as humanitarians or God bringing security, stability, peace, law, Christian ethos and Western civilization. Too many have jobs, egos, power and prestige invested in the profit-over-people system to see that the current saviors of Haiti extend mostly the same narcissistic, cultural blindness and denials as the initial missionaries/humanitarians brought to Haiti in 1492."Ezili Dantò of HLLN, Oct. 10, 2011 , Bill Clinton has more power in Haiti than Haitis president: The Holocaust Continues.
There's a new move by the discredited Haiti rescuers, led today by Obama/the Clintons/USAID/UN, the Paul Farmer-led NGOS and their International Financing Institutions to refocus their fundraising scam away from "earthquake reconstruction relief" now to "cholera relief," or to "local agriculture relief," and "mining protection relief for Haitians!" It's a slightly repackaged imperial economic pillage but the same old arsonist/fireman modus operandi. Same failures intended to enrich the global North, impoverish Haiti (UN Capitalizing on Cholera: playing arsonist and fireman and The Pain Rush in Haiti : Clorox Hunger lives in the same space that billions of dollars in "aid" are supposed to have being poured.)
The NGOs carry out US imperial policies in Haiti in exchange for "charity funding" - which means, they money launder US tax payer and donor dollars and put it in their pockets. US imperial policies is about destroying Haiti manufacturing and local economy, expropriating Haiti natural resources and making a larger Haiti market for their subsidized Wall Street monopolies.
Se mèt ki veye kò - The Haiti Population Must Look Out for Itself
Racism continually allows the Haiti perspective and non-colonial narrative to be marginalized. But Ezili's HLLN has been the voice ahead of all to sound the alarm, to consistently and almost daily provide the tools for Haiti defense for nearly ten years now. We cover all things Desalin, Dantò and about Haiti riches, Haiti epistemology.
Back in 2004, when Ezili's HLLN noted that the US occupation of Haiti wasn't because the US wanted to protect Haiti civil rights and stop a supposedly abusive Haiti elected government under Aristide. It was about stopping that popularly elected government from nationalizing Haiti resources. When we pointed this out, not one of the charitable industrial complex organizations today purporting to be helping Haiti protect itself with "good mining" laws would quote our work, not then and not now.
We were called the apologists for Lavalas and most of the foreign Haiti experts announced that Haiti had no resources the US could want. Today, the US occupiers are freely announcing their intent to change Haiti's mining laws with little public dissent of their nefarious occupation and resource pillages in Haiti. Ezili's HLLN is still the only voice out here exposing Oxfam, World Bank and the other fake philanthropic folks involved in protecting the interests of the one percenters, re-writing Haiti mining laws.
The invaders in Haiti finally admit Haiti has gold, iridium, uranium. It seems Haiti's $20 billion in gold exist only when the "discoverers" are ready to proclaim Haiti has riches. They've still strategically refuse to acknowledge that the US has built its fifth largest embassy after Iraq, Afghanistan, China, Germany in Haiti because Haiti oil is an Olympic pool to Venezuela's glass of water. (See, Haiti Riches and Haiti rich in unexplored hydrocarbons (with potential oil reserves larger than those of Venezuela) , gold, copper, uranium 238 and 235 and strategic metals and Did mining and oil drilling trigger the Haiti earthquake?)
If you want to be ahead of the corporate lies, there's a Kreyòl, Lakou New York Interview where HLLNs Ezili Dantò talks about environmental degradation concerns, Haiti resources and the foreign mining of Haiti resources. It was broadcasted in 2009 before the earthquake, before foreign cholera, before the public pillage of earthquake donor dollars. The English parallel (the text is here) to the 2009 Kreyòl interview may be listened to at Ezili Dantò with Chris Scott- CKUT on Haiti Riches.
At the point we did the interviews, it had just been announced that Haiti was no longer the "poorest" country in the Western Hemisphere, Nicaragua was. This was because of all the billions the foreigners had made in Haiti from 2004 to 2009 during the US occupation of Haiti. The economic elites made billions upon billions before the $9-billion the US "big-hearted humanitarians" would add to their coffers from laundering earthquake relief dollars largely back to US groups.
The US occupiers are freely announcing their intent to change Haiti's mining laws with little public dissent of their nefarious occupation and resource pillages in Haiti.
These interviews on Haiti Riches were done before the UN poisoned the Artibonite river with cholera. Haitians wondered then, in terms of US mining, what happens if mining chemicals poison the Artibonite river? Very uncanny this foreshadowing. For the invaders found another way to poison Haiti waters with greater market effectiveness.
We point to these unheralded Haitianist efforts to defend Haiti because of the current multinational and NGO efforts in Haiti to link mining to Haiti development! (See, Haiti must avoid the resource curse ; Haiti gets $35.5M grant to improve water services and World Bank says its helping Haiti draft mining legislation.)
Our "rescuers" benevolence is the decoy used for manufacturing consent to the US occupation in Haiti. Period, no comma. OXFAM, the IDB, the UN and the World Bank are simply howling a wolf's care for the sheep they're tearing apart.
Neither Oxfam, nor the World Bank are questioning that US Newmont mining, VCS Mining and Canadas Majescor et al, have managed to get the puppet Haiti president to WAIVE Haiti environmental and mining laws its Constitutional laws in order for US mining do open pit mining in areas close to earthquake fault lines in the North, in a country devastated by the last earthquake and with its water already poisoned by UN cholera. But the corporate media liberal and conservative are blithely writing PR articles about the World Bank "helping" Haiti draft mining laws. There's no outrage or concern that mining and oil drilling trigger are known to cause earthquakes.
Se mèt ki veye kò Haiti look out for yourself.
HLLN on the cholera case
Infecting over 650,000 and killing 8,200 Haitians with cholera in less than 2-years provides the NGO and multinational companies commercializing poverty and their Paul Farmer/Jim Yong Kim ilks with 1) more opportunity to raise funds that will be laundered back to this corporatocracy but called "Haiti aid" 2) the more Haitians die, the better to bring demand down and balance the elites' capital markets and 3) our deaths provide the multinational companies with the opportunity to privatize all sources of Haiti water under the pretext of cleaning Haiti water for the public's good health.
In October 2010, the very month that the UN imported cholera to Haiti, before the charitable industrial complex saviors entered the fray as big-hearted humanitarians to delay and defer Haiti justice, HLLN wrote:
"The accused cannot investigate itself. The United Nations being the prosecutor, the judge, the jury and the executioner, all in one, in the Haiti cholera case, is contrary to established traditions as well as established national and international laws. (Listen to Oct 30, 2010 interview with Yves Point Du Jour
"HLLN has never subscribed to the callous and profiting-on-misery notion of letting the UN independently investigate itself while Haiti's people die unmercifully. " --- Excerpt from HLLN complaint against the US occupational forces for bringing cholera to Haiti.
"The Alien Tort Statute (28 U.S.C. § 1350) of the United States Code reads: The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States. This statute is notable for allowing United States courts to hear human rights cases brought by foreign citizens for conduct committed outside the United States." --- Excerpt from HLLN complaint against the US occupational forces for bringing cholera to Haiti.
Do not be shocked if the UN/PAHO/WHO stealthily concludes and garners public consensus for the proposition that justice for Haiti cholera victims shall be served if a law is passed that makes all sources of Haiti water property of a foreign company like Bechtel and it shall clean Haiti's water and sell it back to Haitians.
Our deaths provide the multinational companies with the opportunity to privatize all sources of Haiti water under the pretext of cleaning Haiti water for the public's good health.
The Bolivian water wars is a good parallel to study in order to understand why Brian Concannon's Institute for Justice for Democracy (IDJH), a Dr. Paul Farmer affiliate, is "legally representing(?)" the Haiti cholera victims. IDJH like Paul Farmer have glaring ethical conflicts of interests issues that makes it impossible for them to vigorously defend the cholera victims by naming their own funders, employers, business associates and the primary funder of the US occupation the US government that occupies Haiti, their consulting firms and NGO cohorts as the Respondiat Superior for the destruction of Haiti government and water systems.
A first-year law student readily understands that Haiti needs immediate injunctive relief, restitution and damages. Injunctive relief is not subject to immunity laws. Neither the US government nor the UN are too big to be prosecuted for human rights crimes, tort or gross negligence. As the largest funder and the main orchestrator of the UN presence in Haiti, the US government, is legally, the Respondiat Superior for the cholera wrongdoings in Haiti along with the UN.
But the NGOs and their Hollywood, media and academic cohorts play firemen to the US government's arsonist role in Haiti and the global south. The professional posers the white industrial charitable complex play an underhanded game. For instance "The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) analyzed the $1.15 billion pledged after the January 2010 quake to Haiti and found that the "vast majority" of the money it could follow went straight to U.S. companies or organizations, more than half in the Washington area alone." (See also US military company DynCorp gets $48.6 million contract in Haiti to staff officers for UN mission ; Capitalizing on Cholera: playing arsonist and fireman and Haiti's earthquake generated a $9bn response where did the money go?)
Yet, CEPR and such foreign "policy researchers" on Haiti also claim IDJH/Paul Farmer and their fake cholera "lawsuit" against the UN along with the US/UN non-funded $2 billion proposal for privatizing clean water in 10-years in Haiti is a DIFFERENT, more positive paternal step for Haiti. That this sort of bait and switch, fraudulent Haiti aid and NGO funding always further weakens Haitis ability to handle its own affairs is of no consequence.