Guy on twitter thinks 9/11 was an inside job, and that says that ghost tickets were registered

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015

Can't link, tweets might be protected

But basically (direct quotes)

7 reservations were made on the first hijacked plane, flight 11, under laughable aliases without first names, credit cards, or phone numbers, and never showed.

the fbi stated this required “further inquiry” (i’d say so!). i dug up that it asked the cia to look into the pakistani travel agency behind these ludicrous reservations on flight 11. cia: “nothing found.”

isn’t that kind of frustrating? mr. k. cooper, mrs. s. cooper, ms. a. cooper, ms. p. cooper, ms. o. noris, ms. e. noris, and ms. w. noris reserve seats on the first hijacked jet without so much as first names or credit cards, and we have no idea what that was about. lol.

the only interavia travel company i can find today is in kiev. zero sign it has any ties to the “interavia pakistan ltd.” that made the 7 bogus reservations on flight 11.


Sorrtly shytty thread
Can't post direct link

Wanted to know if anyone else had heard of it before?

They have screenshot of docs too but no direct link

Dudes twitter is @lakefieldmoscow
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