If all 3 bosses at the height of their empire went to war, who'd come out on top?
Did you forget about Stinger Bell?Fring, easily. None of these guys are on the same level though.
Marlo wasn't even in control of all of Baltimore and Tony Soprano only ran Jersey. Gus Fring's region was the entire southwest.
Tony Soprano kinda makes sense because he also had ties to the mob in NY. Gus Fring would be closer to a Johnny Sack than Tony Soprano though.
Truthfully Marlo shouldn't even be in the discussion. The closest character to Gus on "The Wire" was probably The Greek.
Did you forget about Stinger Bell?
he wasnt even above avonDid you forget about Stinger Bell?
Bell seemed to be far more mature and logical than Avonhe wasnt even above avon
he tried to bigger then he was and in the end got jammed
Bell seemed to be far more mature and logical than Avon
The personality traits of Bell and Gus was so similar, laid back, businessman/drug dealer hybrid. When Bell offered Mcnulty a condo it so reminded me of when Gus used to do charitable stuff for HankGus ego got him killed as well, if he would have had Tyus kill the old cartel dude he wouldn't have gotten blown up
How can you say fring when he was seriously getting his shyt pushed back by the cartel and Mike was really his only true muscle, which btw Walt successfully took both of them out. Fring was intelligent but his muscle was weak.
Marlo only controlled west Baltimore but he had the entire city on notice. His muscle was legit. Plus Chris had them under military training.
Tony soprano muscle was average as well as I recall. His family turned Crack head, others were old
Give me Marlo Chris and snoop
The Greek from The Wire trumps all 3 of 'em.
Whoa. You just saw a small bit of the Greek's operation. He had way more than Baltimore he was supplying. The Greek was into all sorts of shot also. Lets not make Gus bigger than he was. Gus still answered to the cartel. He had to go to war with them.
The Greek had a international operation, that was more vast than Gus'
You thinking because the Greek resided in Baltimore (for we don't even know how short or long of period) he wasn't big time? The Greek had Feds on payroll. He had people in DC. Internationally he had a whole operation.
Alan Sepinwall:
I asked Simon about Koutras after that season ended, because I thought the idea of a corrupt FBI agent ruining the investigation went against the show's philosophy that institutional men are far more dangerous (and prevalent) than evil or corrupt ones, and he laid out exactly what Koutras' motivations were. He genuinely thought The Greek was helping him nab terrorists, and if that meant looking the other way on other crimes, even warning him about impending arrest, then that was a trade-off he was willing to make to fight The War on Terror.