nah, that tattoo won't fukk him up any more than the confederate flag fukked up kid rock when he came on the scene.
What tat he got?
he snapped on "Power cirlce" toothe crazy thing about it is he isnt even that good other than that one verse. after hearing toons and cereal i went and dl ed all his mixtapes and other than a few verses here and there they're barely listenable. rick ross needs to get him on whatever drugs he was on when he wrote toons and cereal and lock him in the studio with some fire ass beats
the crazy thing about it is he isnt even that good other than that one verse. after hearing toons and cereal i went and dl ed all his mixtapes and other than a few verses here and there they're barely listenable. rick ross needs to get him on whatever drugs he was on when he wrote toons and cereal and lock him in the studio with some fire ass beats
pic? Why would he tattoo a swastika on his body