Rumor Patrol: Finn Jones Is Playing Marvel’s Iron Fist
The most interesting – and easily the most challenging to adapt – out of the first set of superheroes Marvel TV was looking to adapt into live-action for their set of Netflix shows is none other than Iron Fist. The character’s (real name: Danny Rand) supernatural origins and less grounded power set helped add credence to odd rumors that Marvel was at one time considering having Iron Fist get a TV movie instead of a full season order like his Defenders counterparts (Daredvil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage).
Instead, The Punisher was rumored to replace Iron Fist since he’s being introduced in Daredevil season 2. He’s rumored to get his own show later after Jon Bernthal won over Marvel with his take on Frank Castle, and is already receiving positive acclaim from early reviews. Marvel however, put an end to any doubts of Iron Fist’s status by hiring Scott Buck (Dexter) as a showrunner and releasing an official synopsis in December, followed by bringing in Jessica Jones writer/producer Scott Reynolds in Janusary. And according to Mike Colter, who plays Luke Cage on Jessica Jones and in his own self-titled series later this year, Iron Fist has already been cast.
The announcement is expected to come very soon and while Marvel TV’s first two Netflix shows remained almost entirely standalone, with only one character (Rosario Dawson’s Claire Temple) appearing in both in a major way, Danny Rand a.k.a. Iron Fist could be setup a little earlier. Whether that’s true or not, Marvel is holding back the identity of who they’ve cast but The Hashtag Show may of find out who’s the next Marvel TV superhero: Finn Jones.
Like Charlie Cox, Finn Jones is another British actor and should be recognizable to TV viewers for his role on HBO’s Game of Thrones, where he plays Loras Tyrell. He’s only 27 years old, and has the blonde hair and look of Rand from Marvel Comics. And best of all, he’s the type of actor Marvel can lock-in long-term on the cheap since he’s a relative unknown still who can they build into a star.
This is just a rumor at this point, but we should find out more soon. In the meantime, let us know – Finn Jones as Iron Fist, yay or nay?