Got Pulled Over by the Police Yesterday...


May 10, 2015
So it's 10 am in the morning and I'm headed to Bham to meet up with my guys to get fitted for some tuxedos. I pulled out the parking lot and zoomed across the street and turned left to hit the gas station real quick. Went about a mile down this straight road until I noticed the cops was flagging me down.

So immediately I hit the :francis: cause I know my tags and insurance is expired. When you planning a wedding, you tend to forget a lot of things. So I pull over into these apartments and this guy gets out. Looks like this, he just had shades on. I swear he looked just like this.

Dude walks up to my car with an attitude:
Officer: Why didn't you stop when I flagged you down?
Me: I pulled over as soon as I saw you.:dahell:
Officer: I flagged you down as soon as you made your turn onto this street. You mean to tell me you drove a mile without hearing my siren or seeing my lights?:beli:
Me: I apologize. I guess I was just focused on the road.
Officer::beli: I stopped you because you failed to signal your turn and you have a expired tag. Licence, insurance and registration please.

I handed him my licence and told him I didn't have valid insurance. So he said some code on his radio thing and walked back to his car and I text my girl to let her know what was going on just in case something went down. She was panicking. I prayed as well. :wow:

Then two squad SUV's pull up behind the officer that pulled me over and I'm sitting here looking at these cats like:what: Are you serious

Two of them walk back over here and he started questioning me where I worked, lived, etc. Then he asked me step out of the car. So I'm like :snoop: I step out but I had my hands in my pocket before I got out my car so I took them out and tried to roll up my window but he told me to leave em down.

Officer: What did you just take out of your pocket?
Me: Nothing:childplease:
Officer: I saw you with your hands in your pocket and it looked like you pulled something out before exiting your vehicle?
Me: I took nothing outta my pocket.
Officer: Do you have any weapons or anything on you that I should know about?
Me: I do not.
Officer: Do you have any meth, weed, heroin, pipes, etc that I should know about?
Me: No I do not
Officer: Are you sure?
Me::russell: Yes

So while he patting me down, the other officer scoping out my car tryna look through the windows:heh:

Now I want ya'll to know that I'm wearing glasses, a v neck shirt and some sweats with a low cut fade with waves. Thats as non threatening as you can be in my opinion.

So the officer asked me again after searching me

Officer: Do you have any illegal items in your vehicle?
Me::what: I told you no officer.

So he looked at his buddy and looked back at me

Officer: Can I search your vehicle:mjpls:

Without hesitation I said "No" while looking him straight in his eyes:stopitslime:

He gave me this long stare like he just knew I was lying about having drugs or weapons in my car illegally.
There was this awkward pause so I'm like "Are we done here":rudy:

And he said You're free to leave. So as I'm walking back to my car he said in a very sarcastic tone

"If I were you, I wouldn't get back into that car and drive off with expired tags. Just a warning. It's not a good idea"

I replied "I agree", closed my door and took off towards bham:heh:

Still got that ticket though. Traffic violation + driving without insurance/expired tags
Court date in September.:francis:
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May 4, 2014
New York City. I mean Kansas.
Officer: I flagged you down as soon as you made your turn onto this street. You mean to tell me you drove a mile without hearing my siren or seeing my lights?:beli:
Me: I apologize. I guess I was just focused on the road.

i might not be nearly as mature as i thought i was :dwillhuh: i wouldnt have even thought of no shyt like that to reply back with. probably would've asked him wtf he wanted at that point :francis:


Born of the Night
Jan 2, 2017
KIC 8462852
Gotdamn, you lucky. Where I'm at, driving without insurance is a mandatory 30 day impound. Glad you made it, fukk az

AZ is the devil. My friend got a $500 fine, car impound, license suspended for 3 months and has to have some sort of SR-22 insurance cert for 2 years, which makes it hard to get car insurance. That was all for a first offense driving with no insurance. Smh

Eta: Glad your ok OP
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Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
Should have asked ya homie who you are planning the wedding for free, to spot you a few dollars to pay for tags and insurance..:manny: