"...I just want us to be very cautious. Because this strain of libertarianism that's going through both parties right now and making big headlines, I think is a very dangerous thought. [...] ...as the governor now, of the state that lost the second-most people on 9/11 behind the state of New York, and still seeing those families, John? I love all these esoteric debates that people are getting in. ((Sen. Rand Paul, for example?)) Listen, you could name any number of people who've engaged it, and he's one of them. I mean, these esoteric, intellectual debates -- I want them to come to New Jersey and sit across from the widows and the orphans and have that conversation. And they won't."
"If he cared about protecting this country, maybe he wouldn't be in this 'gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme all the money you have in Washington--or don't have.' He'd be a little more fiscally responsive and know that the way we defend our country, the way we have enough money for national defense, is by being frugal, and not by saying 'gimme, gimme, gimme' all the time."
"I find it interesting that Sen. Paul is accusing us of having a 'gimme, gimme gimme' attitude toward federal spending, when in fact, New Jersey is a donor state and we get $0.61 back of every dollar we send to Washington and, interestingly, Kentucky gets $1.51 on every dollar they send to Washington. [...] ...maybe he should start looking at cutting the pork barrel spending that he brings home to Kentucky... [...] most Washington politicians only care about bringing home the bacon so they can get re-elected."
"This is the king of bacon talking about bacon."
Begins around (4:06)
"We're gonna have to patch things up. If we can sit down, --I'm inviting him for a beer, anytime he'd like to come down and sit down at the pub right around the corner from the senate--... it hasn't been formalized, I just thought of it."
"I'm running for re-election in New Jersey, I don't really have time for that [beer with Paul] at the moment. [...] I've got work to do here. Going on vacation with my family, and then I've got work to do here, to get re-elected on November 5th. And that's what I'll be focusing my time and energy on, along with the rebuilding of the state after Sandy, and dealing with the other issues that invariably come on the desk of a governor, when you're responsible for actually doing things and not just debating."