Google Chrome "Error 3" Message on Install?


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Long story short.

I was removing some malware/adware from a laptop, some search engine called Babylon was setting itself as the default search engine on every browser on the computer (IE, Mozilla, Chrome).

I searched around and found out that it gets on there from Mozilla and spreads to the other browsers. So I go and uninstall Mozilla (didn't use it anyway), and I clear out the search settings in IE and Chrome. Reset the home page to on both browsers.

I uninstall the Babylon bullshyt from the Control Panel, however even after all of that, when I opened up Chrome two tabs would open, one with the homepage that I set ( and another tap for the Babylon shyt. I disabled and removed the search bars and engine from the extensions, so I was confused as to why it still popped up.

I ran some malware software, and removed everything that it found. Since Chrome continued to open with the extra tab, I try uninstalling it and re-installing it... simple right? Nah, now I get this "Error 3" message upon install and there's nothing I can do to get past it.

Anybody had this happen before? If so, did you ever figure the shyt out?