I dunno if its just my paranoia Uce, but the streets around these parts been intense to the point where you can't say or do anything without being labeled a Dub stan or WWE Stooge. Folks talk about the old days and whatever days, but quite frankly, this tribal shyt has gotten to the point where folks are claiming and set bangin. As somebody that doesn't bang or claim a set (Puro not moving the product compared to the big two), its becoming apparent that no matter how much peace is expressed, logic is reasoned, and lack of understanding that people have opinions (without the OOOHHH NOOO BLOCKED), this wrestling shyt will be a echo circle jerk between different sets.
Thus, this is the WOAT time to be a wrestling fan regardless of how "hot" the product is. The reality is that the fanbase don't even want to accept that there's opinions, frustrations, and haters of course like any brand, promotion, or sports team. Yet, folks on the sports side of the coin are man enough to air out their gripes about Lebron. Yet, motherfukkers who watch beefy sweaty men hit each other with chairs, can't stand when a opinion is relevant to the topic and want to block and cry to safe spaces like hoes.
Its honestly pathetic.
But then again if Dubheads and Stooges all got along, they probably negged me down by the end of this post