I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
I've had Osgood Schlatters since I was 12 (as well as bursitis and tendonitis...my knees are ), so any kind of running/leg exercises has me in a lot of pain after a while. I won't even attempt to do squats, leg extensions are damn near impossible, and I have to routinely skip doing leg presses because of the pain.
Outside of swimming, what's a good cardio routine I can do that has very little impact on my knees? I run on the treadmill, but after about a week or so, I'm in so much pain I can hardly walk for the next few weeks without limping.
Outside of swimming, what's a good cardio routine I can do that has very little impact on my knees? I run on the treadmill, but after about a week or so, I'm in so much pain I can hardly walk for the next few weeks without limping.