God of War DID NOT overtake Monster Hunter Rise as best selling PC game for January

May 10, 2012
I had to get this thread in before January 2023 :heh:

TL;DR: Y'all may or may not remember this dumbass thread about God of War PC sales. It was wrong and I'm not gonna bother quoting all the dumb shyt, but you can read it here:

Back in September, Steam changed the way that they report the top sellers. One important change was that they combined sales data for multiple skus into one entry instead of listing them as separate games on the sales charts. You can read about the changes here:

When that old thread was made, my first post in that thread was referencing the fact that Monster Hunter had two entries on the chart because you could buy the base game or the base game with a DLC package.

Monster Hunter Rise has more players playing as of this post than the peak number of God of War players. What's the combined total of Monster Hunter players who bought the base game and base game + Deluxe DLC?

So, let's see what actual sales are after Steam fixed how the sales are reported. Here's the first full week of January:


Monster Hunter is number 2 on the chart and God of War is number 27. Neither game was released yet so these were preorder numbers.

The next week was the release week for both games:


Monster Hunter was the number 1 best selling game that week and God of War was number 2. This was the week that the thread was made saying God of War overtook Monster Hunter as best selling PC game, so you see that wasn't true. Let's look at the next week:


Monster Hunter was number 5 and God of War remained its little brother at number 6. God of War still hadn't outsold Monster Hunter yet but let's look at the last week of the month:


Monster Hunter was number 13 and...

God of War was still behind it at number 14.

God of War didn't outsell Monster Hunter during any week in January 2022. As I suspected when that old thread was made, the sales of Monster Hunter were split over multiple skus whose sales weren't reflected properly in the previous way that Steam reported sales. Now that they've fixed the charts, you can see the truth.

If you made it all the way through this post, thanks for reading! I'm just trying to stop misinformation in The Arcadium. Happy New Year! :cheers:
May 10, 2012
@Responsible Allen Iverson
That's a lot of waste of space to do on a holiday. But I suppose some folks gotta the all their hoe out before the year ends.

Here's to your resolution to being a better poster instead of worse next year.

Here's to your resolution being finding someone else to follow instead of being my biggest groupie