In the mid-90's, if you didn't chop or change a loop, it was seen as doing less work.
That's why Prince Paul said, "Today, we have become more advance with our skills, so we chop now, instead of just looping popular things like Puffy does". Diamond D spoke on the bassline he used for "K.I.S.S." and said that Premier used the same one for "DWYCK", but that "We didn't just loop it. That's the lazy way. We both chopped it into our own thing and made it different".
That was how the legends spoke about loops back then. You weren't supposed to just loop some sh*t up. All of us who started producing back then kinda knew that we could loop something in two seconds, and make a lazy track, but if we took the time to actually make it our own and chopped our samples, that was a different level of creativity. But this is why Trackmasters got a lot of flack back then. People said they were biting Pac's sh*t. But they used to loop a lot of their sh*t, and people would clown them for it because they didn't start that way. Once Puff made it popular, they switched to what he was doing and admitted it.