Thanks to reader Matthew Popa for sending in these results from WWE's live event at the Rod Laver arena in Melbourne, Australia. Adam contributed to this article. A special thanks to Satish Shrestha for sending the photo above from inside the arena:
* The night kicked off with the Miz vs. Antonio Cesaro. Miz came out to a huge pop, mainly because he wore a local football team's jersey. Cesaro also got a great heel reaction. This was a great match that went for about 15 minutes, which saw The Miz winning with the figure four leg lock.
* Natalya vs. Aksana was next. This was an okay match, but the crowd was quite dead throughout. The match ended with Natyla winning with the sharpshooter, which the crowd liked.
* The Great Khali pinned Jinder Mahal. Khali came out to a great crowd reaction, and the audience seemed to love him. Mahal came out to an okay heel reaction. The match itself was quite boring, and ended with Khali winning with a chop to the head.
* Ryback cut a promo on the titantron, calling the Melbourne audience a bunch of Kangaroo loving, beer drinking fools. This promo got some very good heat with crowd.
* John Cena defeated Ryback in a tables match. Ryback came out first to great heel reaction. John Cena came out to a huge pop from the crowd. The crowd was completely on Cena's side. This match was okay, with nothing too spectacular happening. The match ended with Cena AA'ing Ryback through a table.
There was a 15 minute intermission.
* After the intermission, Justin Roberts announced that the next match would be a triple threat match for the Intercontinental Championship. The competitors were Heath Slater, Zack Ryder and Curtis Axel. Axel and Slater got some decent heat with the crowd, and Ryder got a huge pop. This match was actually surprisingly great. The match ended with Ryder hitting the Rough Ryder on Slater, only for Axel to sneak in and steal the win.
* The main event was up next with Dean Ambrose vs. Daniel Bryan. The crowd got to choose from a Submission match or a "Melbourne street fight," and the crowd chose the street fight. The atmosphere for this match was electric. Ambrose's taunting was brilliant, with him even sitting on a chair in the middle of the ring. His actions got great heat with the crowd, and the crowd chanted "You're a Wanker" at him. Ambrose seemed to embrace the chants. Bryan obviously got a massive pop, easily the biggest of the night. The match ended with Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins interfering, causing Ambrose to get disqualified. This match was a fantastic match and in my opinion, almost as good as the Cesaro-Bryan match on Raw.
After the interference, John Cene came out to a great reaction, and then, the crowd erupted when Kane came out afterwards. It was announced that there would be a bonus six man tag team match with The Shield taking on Team Hell No and Cena.
* The atmosphere for this match was great once again. The "You're a wanker" chant broke out again, directed at Seth Rollins. This was one of the best moments of the night, as The Shield's reactions were fantastic. The match ended with Kane hitting the chokeslam on Rollins, while Cena AA'd Reigns and Bryan did the suicide dive on Ambrose. Kane pinned Rollins to pick up the win for his team. Once the match ended, a huge "Yes!" chant broke out. The night ended with Cena and Team Hell No standing on the ramp to huge cheers from the crowd.
Report 2
Just thought I'd chuck up the results of tonight's show. It was overall a pretty good show, but it was definitely lacking some of the 'bigger' names. Would have been nice to see a couple more higher card guys come out, but we're just happy to have WWE come down here these days. So, here are the results and just a couple of notes to go with them:
Match 1.
The Miz def Antonio Cesaro
Was surprised these guys got about 20 mins. Miz was way over with the kids. Pretty decent opener. 6/10
Match 2.
Natalya def Aksana
Drinks/toilet break for me and all the other middle aged males considering the bar was chockers!!
Match 3.
The Great Khali def Jinder Mahal
Not much to say about this, unless you want to rant about how bad Khali is. 2/10
Match 4.
John Cena def Ryback (Tables Match)
I was definitely surprised that this was mid-card. It was pretty much exactly the same as their tables match at Payback. The title was on the line, but there's little point even mentioning that. 5/10
Match 5.
Curtis Axel def Zack Ryder and Heath Slater
Pretty standard triple threat match. Axel minus Heyman is definitely not perfect. Couple good spots, like a powerbomb/superplex with all 3 off the top rope. 5/10
Match 6.
Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose in a 'Melbourne' street fight (fans had 'choice' between a submission match and a street fight.)
Bryan got a massive pop. Match went for about 20 mins. Lots of kendo spots and a few decent chair shots. These two will have some great matches in the future i reckon. The Shield came out which led to Kane coming out and eventually Cena coming back out. Cena then got on the mic and suggested a 6-man tag, Teddy Long style. 7/10
Match 7.
John Cena, Daniel Bryan and Kane def The Shield.
Bryan did a lot of work in this match considering he was just in a 20 minute street fight. Fans were going nuts for Kane. It was an okay match, nothing really special. Finished with Bryan doing a suicide dive, Kane a chokeslam and Cena an AA all at the same time. 6/10