GMB: One of the most unbelievable and disturbing cases I've ever seen.

Sleepy Floyd

May 25, 2022
Hall of Fame
The killer died in prison earlier this year. Rest in piss.

Cliffs? I don’t want to be depressed tonight
You wouldn't believe it if there wasn't proof. shyt's wild

Guy's wife tells him she wants to start seeing other people, and that she wants a divorce. Wife wouldn't give any other details.

It turns out the wife was cheating on her husband with her work supervisor. The side dude calls police to report her missing because she didn't show up to work.

Cops check husband's house, finds a car with blood in it and cleaning solutuon. They arrest husband but he has an alibi that kinda checks out. Side dude is ruled out as a suspect for the time being.

Eventually, while husband is still in jail, cops get a letter from someone who knows ALL the details of the murder, including that the victim had a condom left behind in her rectum from when the killer had sex with her during the killing. The autopsy had missed that, they did another autopsy and found the condom.

Cops were starting to think the husband couldn't have done it, since all of his mail ad an inmate would be monitored coming in or out.

The condom is examined and they were unable to retrieve any DNA from it because it had been deep inside the body for such a long time that bodily acids dissolved it.

Cops find a recording device in husband's home during a second search. Husband had hidden it in a bouquet of flowers that he gave his wife, and that's how he found out who his wife was cheating on him with. Cops investigate husband further.

They look at his visitors and find out that the husband had a twin brother who was regularly visiting the husband in jail. Husband had given his brother a note to copy which the brother then mailed to cops. Cops pulled over the brother and found evidence of this.

It turns out that the condom was from the side dude. The husband had stalked his wife on one of her trips to see the side dude. The husband sneaked and collected the used condom that the side dude had left behind after smashing his wife, and the husband inserted the used condom into his dead wife's ass hole after he killed her.

He had tried to frame the side dude for the murder, and it's likely that if the condom with side dude's DNA would've been found during the first autopsy then side dude would have went to prison for the murder.

Cacs be wilding. Get married, brehs