DC nuggas, run you nuggas.......ask robert griffin.

Man Shoots At Police Because He Was Upset The Giants Lost To The Redskins
Barry Petchesky
What could possibly possess a Florida man to beat up his wife, shoot at three deputies trying to arrest him, and hole up in his house for an hours-long standoff? RG3. Also, lots of alcohol and pills.
Richard Braccia, 50, has been charged with attempted murder on a law enforcement officer, domestic battery and tampering with a victim. He claims to have blacked out during a fight with his wife, and while negotiating with deputies.
While Braccia said he doesn't remember much about the incident, he said he remembers this much: He was drinking for roughly four hours. He said he has been a New York Giants fan for roughly 30 years and was upset that the Washington Redskins had beaten his team during the Monday Night Football game.
We've all been there, obviously, but Braccia agreed "it's no excuse for my behavior." If crappy football games were enough to send men on murderous rampages, the cities of Cleveland and Detroit would be burned-over barrens not fit for human habitation.
DC nuggas, run you nuggas.......ask robert griffin.