I came from nothing
Have anyone heard about, or looked into this?
Apparently, you dont have to pay most debts, fines, and laws. yall might want to read your birth certificates closely.
None of this was your fault. It happened because your parents were fooled into thinking that they needed to register your birth and get a birth certificate for you. So, they APPLIED for a birth certificate, not understanding what would happen when they did. Well then, what did happen? According to the Local Authority:
1. They lost ownership of their baby (you).
2. They allowed a strawman to be created.
So, what is a strawman? A strawman is a fictitious legal entity, created with the hope that as the child grows up, he will be fooled into believing that he is actually the strawman (which he most definitely is not) and pay all sorts of imaginary costs and liabilities which get attached to the strawman by con artists.
How is a strawman created? Well the mechanism involves that unnecessary birth certificate which the parents imagine is about, and belongs to, their baby (neither of which is actually true). If the baby has been named James and the family name is Martin, then you would expect the birth certificate to have the name James Martin written on it. If that is what is written on it, then all is well and it is a genuine birth certificate. However, if any other name is there, then the document is not a birth certificate but instead is the creation of a strawman masquerading as James Martin. The alternative entries might be any of the following examples: "JAMES MARTIN", "Mr James Martin", "Martin, Mr James" or anything else which is not exactly "James Martin" and nothing else.
Why create a strawman? The answer is 'in order to charge the strawman imaginary costs and penalties and fool the human James Martin into paying those amounts'. These imaginary charges include 'Income Tax', 'Council Tax', 'Inheritance Tax', 'Capital-Gains Tax', 'Road Tax', 'Import Tax', 'Value-Added Tax', 'Fuel Levy', 'Loan Interest', 'Bank Charges' and anything else that full-time professionals can think up and are confident that you will not notice that you never agreed to pay and don't need to pay.
Apparently, you dont have to pay most debts, fines, and laws. yall might want to read your birth certificates closely.
None of this was your fault. It happened because your parents were fooled into thinking that they needed to register your birth and get a birth certificate for you. So, they APPLIED for a birth certificate, not understanding what would happen when they did. Well then, what did happen? According to the Local Authority:
1. They lost ownership of their baby (you).
2. They allowed a strawman to be created.
So, what is a strawman? A strawman is a fictitious legal entity, created with the hope that as the child grows up, he will be fooled into believing that he is actually the strawman (which he most definitely is not) and pay all sorts of imaginary costs and liabilities which get attached to the strawman by con artists.
How is a strawman created? Well the mechanism involves that unnecessary birth certificate which the parents imagine is about, and belongs to, their baby (neither of which is actually true). If the baby has been named James and the family name is Martin, then you would expect the birth certificate to have the name James Martin written on it. If that is what is written on it, then all is well and it is a genuine birth certificate. However, if any other name is there, then the document is not a birth certificate but instead is the creation of a strawman masquerading as James Martin. The alternative entries might be any of the following examples: "JAMES MARTIN", "Mr James Martin", "Martin, Mr James" or anything else which is not exactly "James Martin" and nothing else.
Why create a strawman? The answer is 'in order to charge the strawman imaginary costs and penalties and fool the human James Martin into paying those amounts'. These imaginary charges include 'Income Tax', 'Council Tax', 'Inheritance Tax', 'Capital-Gains Tax', 'Road Tax', 'Import Tax', 'Value-Added Tax', 'Fuel Levy', 'Loan Interest', 'Bank Charges' and anything else that full-time professionals can think up and are confident that you will not notice that you never agreed to pay and don't need to pay.