Get Married Brehs! Sometimes You Have to Take Responsibility for your Lack of Judgement & Failures


May 2, 2012
:russ::russ::russ: Whenever I read this board and something demonic happens to a married man, the first thing is "Get married brehs". Yes we know all women are evil :usure:and scum of the earth, but sometimes nikkas need to take responsibility for the position that they are in.

Sees fat ass - gets married
she gives the bomb head and got that gushy gushy - gets married
is a dime and you feel good with her out on your arm - gets married
You shower her with the finest things in life, because she is perfect - gets married

Often times, the same guys...not saying this is always the case, who "get married brehs" married some foul women and the writing was on the wall and they chose to ignore it.

You probably have that dime because you have a little change in your pocket
That girl that looks good on your arm might be looking at other men in the process
Women who can't take care of the house, eventually their looks will become secondary. Eating McDonalds or take out every single day is not whats hot in the streets.
Lets not even talk about being a parent to your kids.

I could go on and on about a lot of mistakes guys make when choosing a mate to get married to. A lot of guys do not do their due diligence and ignore the warning signs that are so oblivious to others, except for him who is :cape::cape: for his boo