George Zimmerman's wife pleads guilty to perjury in Florida court


Jun 12, 2013
ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - The wife of George Zimmerman pleaded guilty Wednesday morning to a reduced charge of perjury for lying in a 2012 Florida court proceeding concerning her husband's arrest in the killing of Trayvon Martin, according to court records.

Circuit Judge Marlene Alva in Sanford accepted a deal in which Shellie Zimmerman agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor perjury rather than the original charge of felony perjury in an official proceeding.

Zimmerman was ordered to serve one year of probation, perform 100 hours of community service and write a letter of apology to Judge Kenneth Lester, in whose court the perjury occurred.

George Zimmerman was acquitted in July of murder in Martin's death, but his wife still faced the perjury charge for telling Lester that they had no money at a bond hearing. At the time, the couple had accumulated $135,000 from donors to an online legal defense fund.

George Zimmerman was arrested last year after he shot Martin, who was walking to the townhouse where he was staying in the central Florida city of Sanford.

The case drew national attention to Florida's self-defense law, known as Stand Your Ground, while also sparking intense debate on racial profiling and equal justice for African-Americans.

The Zimmerman's family credit union accounts showed that Shellie Zimmerman had transferred more than $74,000 from her husband's account to her own during the five days before the bond hearing, an investigator with the state attorney's office wrote in an affidavit supporting her arrest.

The Zimmermans discussed the transfers in coded language in several phone calls recorded at the jail in the days preceding the bond hearing, the affidavit said. They also talked about moving money to Zimmerman's sister's account and about taking money from a safety deposit box, the affidavit said.


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
George Zimmerman’s wife apologized to Trayvon Martin’s family in an interview that aired Thursday on ABC's "Good Morning America." She also hinted that her marriage to the former neighborhood watch captain is in jeopardy.

Shellie Zimmerman has kept a relatively low profile since July 13, when her husband was found not guilty of second-degree murder in Martin's February 2012 shooting death. Thursday on "Good Morning America," the 26-year-old nursing student said she was “going to have to think about” staying in the marriage.

“I can rationalize a lot of reasons for why I was misleading, but the truth is I knew I was lying,” Zimmerman said in the interview with ABC. “I wish a lot things were different. I can’t tell you how many times I have laid at night saying 'God, I wish these circumstances had been different.'”

Zimmerman also expressed her feelings toward Martin’s family.

“If I could speak to them I would say that I’m deeply sorry for their loss… I can’t even begin to understand the grief that a parent experiences when they lose a child,” she said.

The public outrage over Martin’s death pushed the Zimmermans into hiding before the trial. Shellie Zimmerman said they were in constant fear for their safety.

“I think we have been pretty much like gypsies," she said in Thursday's interview. "We lived in a 20-foot trailer in the woods scared every night that someone was going to find us and that we’d be out in the woods alone and that it would be horrific."

Zimmerman also told ABC how she feared for her life immediately after her husband's not guilty verdict was read in July.

"The deputies were so afraid of people shooting into the windows of the courthouse that they were pushing us up against the wall so that we couldn't be seen by the people outside, and that was really scary because at that moment it became very real. It's been real this whole time, but that was a distinct moment for me that I'll never forget, being pushed against the walls and thinking at any second, my life could be over," Shellie Zimmerman said.


Apr 30, 2012
I hope she ends up with a black dude:laff: that will drive that piece of shyt George to commit that.