Niqqa You Gay
You fakkit coli nikkas disgust me
I have a question, do you have to go through extra preparations to make sure your butt crack isn't giving off fumes of shame? Since the canyon is more exposed when the pantalones are worn at that hight surely you have to make sure your crevice is radiant in its aroma. I know I fart constantly throughout the day, but my pants are worn at the proper waist level, so smells become more contained within the fabric (especially jeans). Now it does smell bad down there after a few hours, but you don't notice it unless u are right there within nose reach of my nether regions. Sometimes I bend down to tie my shoes or pick up a stray Lance cookie by my computer chair, and the smell is unbearable. Sort of like someone pissed into a turtle shell and microwaved it. I'm scared EEveryone within arms reach would be struck with the pungent poison of my crack and grundle if I decided to sag. Especially in the summertime, when it gets downright RANCID down there like defrosted and broiled mastadon meat