General Trump Administration F**kery Thread


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The details of the raid are INSANE :wow:

on top of him just fukking over the Kurds :wow: who gave him all the intel to run the raid :wow:

C.I.A. Got Tip on al-Baghdadi’s Location From Arrest of a Wife and a Courier

Around midnight Sunday morning — 5 p.m. Saturday in Washington — eight American helicopters, primarily CH-47 Chinooks, took off from a military base near Erbil, Iraq.

Flying low and fast to avoid detection, the helicopters quickly crossed the Syrian border and then flew all the way across Syria itself — a dangerous 70-minute flight in which the helicopters took sporadic groundfire — to the Barisha area just north of Idlib city, in western Syria. Just before landing, the helicopters and other warplanes began firing on a compound of buildings, providing cover for commandos with the Delta Force and their military dogs to descend into a landing zone.

Mr. Trump seemed eager to provide details of the raid during a White House news conference on Sunday.

The president said that with the helicopter gunships firing from above, the commandos bypassed the front door, fearing a booby trap, before destroying one of the compound’s walls. That allowed them to rush through and confront a group of ISIS fighters.

The president, along with Mr. Esper, Vice President Mike Pence, and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, watched full-motion video of the raid that was piped into the White House Situation Room from surveillance aircraft orbiting over the battlefield.

The Delta Force commandos, under fire, entered the compound, where they shot and killed a number of people. Mr. Trump said they also removed 11 children from harm’s way,

Mr. al-Baghdadi ran into an underground tunnel, with the American commandos in pursuit. Mr. Trump said that the ISIS leader took three children with him, presumably to use as human shields from the American fire. Fearing, apparently correctly, that Mr. al-Baghdadi was wearing a suicide vest, the commandos dispatched a military dog to subdue Mr. al-Baghdadi, Mr. Trump said.

It was then that the Islamic State leader set off the explosives, wounding the dog and killing the three children, Mr. Trump said.

Mr. Esper described the climax of the two-hour ground raid on “This Week” this way: “He’s in a compound, that’s right, with a few other men and women with him and a large number of children. Our special operators have tactics and techniques and procedures they go through to try and call them out. At the end of the day as the president said, he decided to kill himself and took some small children with him, we believe.”

Mr. Trump was more descriptive. “I got to watch much of it,” he said. Mr. al-Baghdadi, he said, “died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way.” The president said that Mr. Baghdadi “had dragged three of his young children with him,” and that the Islamic State leader “ignited himself, killing himself and the three children.”

Mr. Esper did not repeat the “whimpering” and “crying” assertion made by Mr. Trump. “I don’t have those details,” he said. “The president probably had the opportunity to talk to the commanders on the ground.”

Altogether, the American troops were on the ground in the compound for around two hours, Mr. Trump said, clearing the buildings of fighters and scooping up information that the president said contained important details on ISIS operations. Mr. Trump said the commandos already had DNA samples from the Islamic State leader, which he said they used to make a quick assessment that they had the right man.

Once all the Americans had piled back into their helicopters and started the return flight to Iraq — using the same route out as they used coming in, Mr. Trump said — American warplanes bombed the compound to ensure it was physically destroyed, Mr. Esper said. Just after 9 p.m. Washington time Saturday — four hours after the helicopters took off — Mr. Trump tweeted, “Something very big has just happened!”


Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
:laff:Trump thought that announcement this morning would give him his Obama/Osama moment, give him public support against Impeachment, and he would go to tonight's game fresh off the announcement and get love like some conquering adored hero. This reaction must have hurt his soul because no matter how much Trump fronts, he desperately wants to be liked/loved/adored.

I got to give it to the fans because I normally assume Baseball fans are Trump supporting trash.

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
:laff:Trump thought that announcement this morning would give him his Obama/Osama moment, give him public support against Impeachment, and he would go to tonight's game fresh off the announcement and get love like some conquering adored hero. This reaction must have hurt his soul because no matter how much Trump fronts, he desperately wants to be liked/loved/adored.

I got to give it to the fans because I normally assume Baseball fans are Trump supporting trash.
It's Washington DC, he only got 4% of the vote in DC in 2016.

Also, many other fans live in Northern Virginia (NOVA) and Maryland. NOVA has turned solid blue in the past 10 years and most of Maryland is solidly blue as well. It's not a surprise.

If this game was in Houston and he got the same amount of boos then it would be a bit surprising.

I still love the fact that they boo'd his ass. I hope it hurt his ego and made his soul burn slowly:banderas:.