General Trump Administration F**kery Thread


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

What happened when Trump visited the African American History Museum, according to its founding director
AUGUST 30, 2019

In his upcoming memoir, newly appointed Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie G. Bunch III describes the private tour he gave President Trump of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, recalling that Trump’s reaction to the Dutch role in the global slave trade was, “You know, they love me in the Netherlands.” :gucci:

Shortly before Trump took office in 2017, his administration asked to visit the newly opened museum, according to Bunch’s upcoming memoir, “A Fool’s Errand: Creating the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the Age of Bush, Obama and Trump.” Bunch was the museum’s founding director from 2005 until June, when he became the Smithsonian’s secretary.

The incoming president wanted to come on the holiday commemorating Martin Luther King Jr., according to the memoir. The administration also asked that the museum be closed to the public during the visit. “The notion that we could shut out visitors on the first King holiday since the opening of the museum was not something I could accept,” Bunch writes. Another day was chosen.

Trump was joined by Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who is featured in the museum and who had been nominated to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and King’s niece Alveda King. Bunch recalls hoping the visit “would contribute to a broader understanding of race relations in America. I am ever the optimist.”

Before the president-elect arrived, his aides told Bunch that Trump “was in a foul mood and that he did not want to see anything ‘difficult,’ ” Bunch writes. Nevertheless, Bunch started the tour in the history galleries, which begin with the global slave trade.

“It was not my job to make the rough edges of history smooth, even for the president,” he writes.

Trump greeted him warmly and expressed his wife’s enjoyment of a tour she had with Sara Netanyahu, wife the Israeli prime minister, according to Bunch. Then they went into the galleries.

“The president paused in front of the exhibit that discussed the role of the Dutch in the slave trade,” Bunch writes. “As he pondered the label I felt that maybe he was paying attention to the work of the museum. He quickly proved me wrong. As he turned from the display he said to me, ‘You know, they love me in the Netherlands.’ All I could say was let’s continue walking.” :mindblown:

“There is little I remember about the rest of the hour we spent together. I was so disappointed in his response to one of the greatest crimes against humanity in history,” he continues. “Here was a chance to broaden the views and the understanding of the incoming president and I had been less successful than I had expected.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Bunch recalls Trump was enthusiastic about two areas of the museum, the exhibition of Carson’s medical career and the display of Muhammad Ali. “The president and I shared our stories about Ali and what he meant to America,” Bunch writes. :mjpls:

Later that day, Bunch writes that Trump took to social media, describing the museum and Bunch as “amazing.” “I will take what victories I can get,” he writes.

Asked about the passage — which was written last year — Bunch said he was pleased that Trump had visited.

“There is no doubt in my mind there were things he learned, engaged with,” he said in an interview last week. “What I hope is that the Smithsonian can play that role in a time of partisanship and division. I’m not saying who caused it, but the reality is, it’s a different time. And so I just want us to play that role.”

In the book, Bunch also holds Trump partially responsible for the nation’s racial divisions. “His administration’s combative relationship with many in the African American community — from his feuding with Congressman John Lewis . . . to the attacks on professional athletes, the overwhelming number of those singled out for critical tweets were African American, to his refusal to criticize the white supremacists whose rioting in Charlottesville, Virginia led to the death of Heather Heyer — have deepened the racial divide,” Bunch writes.

“Many visitors have told me that since the election in 2016, the museum has gained even greater significance,” he continues. “To some, visiting the museum allows them to find the solace, inspiration and hope that the current poisonous political partisanship and racial antipathy will one day be overcome.”

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May 14, 2012
F*ck that trip to the museum, he's a racist so who's surprised by that?

Let's talk about this nut ass clown tweeting out spy satellite images from one of his classified briefings.

lol is that tweet still up? I must have forgot about that.


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