General Trump Administration F**kery Thread


Oct 30, 2017
Why should the people and taxpayers of America be bailing out poorly run states (like Illinois, as example) and cities, in all cases Democrat run and managed, when most of the other states are not looking for bailout help? I am open to discussing anything, but just asking?
10:41 - 27 Apr 2020


Jul 25, 2018

I hope this past week--which even got the GOP falling back on all his embarrassing, self-serving gaffes and childish fighting--shows folks here and especially TLR idiots one thing for sure: Trump is not smart, he's not clever, he's not especially cunning or clever, hes not playing "5D chess" on anyone, he has not mastered some dark art of manipulation and control, he's just an idiot who inherited Daddy's money and has no shame about using lies, hyperbole, conspiracies, racism, gaslighting, fear and any means whatsoever to get what he wants like a child. People much smarter (and even more racist) than him did everything in their power to protect him and his agenda even in lieu of their constitutional duties or reputation. Securing a generation of ruthless conservative rule in Washington meant more than anything else. Now we've reached a crisis that can't be politicized, can't be covered up, doesn't require you to be a geopolitics expert to be outraged, and has direct impact on regular people and the economy. So we are all discovering in absolute horror how stupid this man really is. How completely incapable of this job he has always been.

What we're seeing before our eyes are exactly the horrific things Trump's handlers have been trying to contain and manage for nearly four years: an inept egomaniac who doesn't listen to experts or intelligence, likes to argue with everyone to the point of being incapable to take in useful information, easily distracted by his penchant for attention, like most idiots who wish they were smart but are not (see the average TLR politics threas) he's more susceptible to conspiracies that makes sense to him than objective information, completely self-serving, incapable or unwilling to take on any duties of the President unless it can be framed or used in some way to boast his own name and image, susceptible to stunts also intended to boast his image, genuinely viewing and treating the office of the Presidency as an extension of his media career--constantly suggesting things that are insulting to his duties and reveals his selfish ineptidtude (ie: OUR stockpile).

He's not smart or clever, he's just a jaded millionaire and habitual liar who capitalized on racism. What we have is a flawed media and system that allowed him and his lies to rise--under the guise of being fair to both sides--where he should've been called out, dismissed as a crazy racist conspiracy theorist, disqualified and forgotten from the moment he started with the birther nonsense, and removed from office the moment it became clear he does not take the duties of the job before his ego.


May 10, 2012
LSU, Saints, Alcorn, VCU
I can't imagine why': Trump says he takes no responsibility for people ingesting disinfectant despite telling them to

Trump says he takes no responsibility for people ingesting disinfectant despite telling them to

Donald Trump said on Monday he will take no responsibility if Americans inject or otherwise consume disinfectant to kill Covid-19, even though he suggested it during a Thursday evening press conference.

"No, I don't," the president said Monday evening when asked about Maryland's governor saying his government got calls from people asking if they should.

"I can't imagine why," Mr Trump said when informed of Governor Larry Hogan's comments about calls there. Mr Hogan is a Republican.

The president on Friday denied seriously suggesting people consume toxic materials after later in Thursday's briefing saying disinfectant could kill the virus but not via injections.

"I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters ... to see what would happen," the president said Friday, claiming he was both asking a sarcastic question to coronavirus task force member Deborah Birx and asking his medical advisers to examine the impact sunlight has on the virus, not disinfectants, after a health official had described a study suggesting ultraviolet rays quickly kill Covid-19 cells.