
Christopher Webb
In 1979, Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House. In 1986, Ronald Reagan tore them down along w/Carter’s clean energy funding.
This sums up the difference between the two men & political parties. Investing in solutions for the future vs canceling progress to score political points.

Christopher Webb @cwebbonline.com
What Happened to Carter’s White House Solar Panels? They Lived On.

MAC @mac58.bsky.social
Elon Musk, the shadow president.

GemmaGem @tippytaff.bsky.social
It was alarming at the time when GOP installed an ACTOR to do their bidding. It's even more alarming they've installed a failed reality show fake billionaire to openly exploit our systems of government using WWE fan-building fake rage techniques & we fall for it AGAIN!

Ariel Hand

Republicans are the enemy of progress to protect our environment, fight climate change and our agenda to create clean energy. Think of what we would have accomplished and where we would be right now if Reagan hadn't won. We're repeating the backward trends by placing that party back in power.

Gina Brown @mzgee41.bsky.social
Reagan was a horrible person and an even more horrible president. He, like DonOld, was a puppet for big money interests. Reagan lowered the tax rate from 73% to 28%, talking about “trickle down economics” that still haven’t “trickled down”.

deaconpurple.bsky.social @deaconpurple.bsky.social
And started taxing Social Security payments to try to make up for tax revenue lost from the rich.

liavan.bsky.social @liavan.bsky.social
Yep! Gave Carter one term in favour of Reagan for two terms and continued downhill from there to Trump. What a dumb country!

Anne Worner

Reagan was a dikk.

outdoors27.bsky.social @outdoors27.bsky.social
Reagan was a destroyer, that's why Republicans and now MAGA think he was the greatest President in their lifetimes, until Trump came a long, of course. It's a shame that Jimmy Carter didn't get the credit he deserved not only for what he did as President but also for being a kind, decent, person

ruipx.bsky.social @ruipx.bsky.social
You really need a new FDR. Desperately.

nana-p024.bsky.social @nana-p024.bsky.social
President Jimmy Carter’s thoughts were ahead of this world, for he was guided by a different compass
The good ones are always misunderstood

LittleSa$$hole @ilovesuckers.bsky.social
How can something called “the right” always be so fukking wrong

kwattbud.bsky.social @kwattbud.bsky.social
Carter was a scientist
Regan was a B rated actor

Gina Brown @mzgee41.bsky.social

"...the role played by the United States government, the oil industry, automobile manufacturers, consumers, batteries, hydrogen vehicles and the California government in restricting the development of take up of the electric vehicle technology"2006

edbernard.bsky.social @edbernard.bsky.social
reagan was a senile idiot who tripled our national debt

Eileen Montrose @eileenmont.bsky.social
And yet one is considered a failure. I think the American people failed and we just keep on failing at the most crucial moments. 1 step forward, 2 steps back. Get $$$ out of politics. Insist your reps get serious about reform.

Falkirkbairnexiled @falkirkbairnexiled.bsky.social
Having your own energy supplies takes the power away from the oligarchs. Reagan was firmly with the oligarchs.

Sam @samg92.bsky.social
People need to stop thinking Reagan was a great president. He opened the door to MAGA and slammed the door shut on bipartisanship. The executive and legislative branches have been crippled for decades thanks to him and Newt Gingrich.

Mark Stroup @smallstreams.bsky.social
This is a good reminder of what a horror show Reagan was.

franceslarina.bsky.social @franceslarina.bsky.social
Heritage Foundation's first attempt at what is now Project 2025 was called, "Mandate for Leadership" and given to Ronald Reagan when he became President. He based much of his policy on it, eventually accomplishing around half of their goals.

Wallis @wallish.bsky.social
Mandate for Leadership - Wikipedia

fiercelady.bsky.social @fiercelady.bsky.social
Bless him

szarotka.bsky.social @szarotka.bsky.social
WOW visionary, in 1979 WOW

Peter F @feenp.bsky.social
Not 'visionary', the danger of #climatecrisis was known then, but not well advertised.
Far-sighted certainly, not much of that around these days.

szarotka.bsky.social @szarotka.bsky.social
And Regan dismentling it was very telling who wants what and why.

ducatidave.bsky.social @ducatidave.bsky.social
Reagan was a real POS

Tall Drink of Swiftness @tallswiftness.bsky.social
Reagan reversed a lot of things from the Carter Admin.
It was the start of our country's decline.

D. Earl Stephens @dearlstephens.bsky.social
Sad irony it was the Christian Right who tore down the real Christian.
Rinse, repeat ...

Christopher Webb @cwebbonline.com
Oh man. Truer words…

D. Earl Stephens @dearlstephens.bsky.social
It's a pretty good story.
Wonder why our MSM doesn't spend more time with it ...

brainwashedlib.bsky.social @brainwashedlib.bsky.social
yeah, why does the demoKKKrat controlled media not spend even more time brainwashing demoKKKrats is beyond me

der601.bsky.social @der601.bsky.social
Where/who is this Dem controlled media you speak of??? Would love to follow/read/watch it. All the media outlets I know of are controlled by corporations or billionaires who aren’t afraid to throw their weight around.

Wendy Jo Salazar @newmexicoblue2.bsky.social
Brain looks like a troll. Blocked.

kimba6.bsky.social @kimba6.bsky.social
Hated Reagan and Nancy.

Pamela Sykes @sykeology219.bsky.social
I remember that happening. Reagan is what speeded up the earth on the middle class. He was a shytty President and probably an even shyttier human.

Pamela Sykes @sykeology219.bsky.social
Oh jeezus crist, why can’t we edit??? Should read: “speeded up the WAR on the middle class…” why did auto incorrect change , war to earth I cannot understand.

mickey23.bsky.social @mickey23.bsky.social
Jimmy Carter such an intelligent man, ahead of his time, true patriot always thinking of ways to help and improve the American experience.

spurfaninsa.bsky.social @spurfaninsa.bsky.social
Reagan is scumbag trash! I voted against that senile b*stard! He was one of the worst presidents!

Sherry @sherry2.bsky.social
Thanks to President Jimmy Carter, my husband started in solar energy in very early 1980s
In 1986, he started a small company, and eventually his father joined in with him.
39 years later, our son now runs the company.
3 generations
Almost 40 years
Thanks to
President Jimmy Carter

John Colbert @johncolbert29.bsky.social
Trump is going to tear out by the roots, everything that is good about America as soon as he steps foot back in office. He will gut America and walk over the ashes when he leaves!

Yvonne Dyrda @yvonnedyrda.bsky.social
They continue to prove our point: We can’t have nice things in this country because of Republicans.

Neil Campbell @neils-0n-wheels.bsky.social
Great story, with a reader comment that I think sums things up very well.
Perhaps why those with less to offer speak of 'the left' with such disdain.

vikingtears61.bsky.social @vikingtears61.bsky.social
Jimmy Carter way ahead of his time. They really don't make em like him no more. I don't think people remember or even know that Reagan tripled our debt and literally accomplished nothing.

Eat The Rich

The Republicans have, for a very long time now, been Repugnant.

Beckay @jtskiwtr.bsky.social
Republicans are just shytty people.

MAC @mac58.bsky.social
Elon Musk, the shadow President.

bratacat.bsky.social @bratacat.bsky.social
I'm furious about Trump throwing a hissy fit about the flags being at half mast in honor of the period of mourning for Jimmy Carter. Carter has had a lifetime of serving ordinary people. Trump is just a spoiled brat for wanting to ruin the period of mourning of Carter. Trump will always be a brat.

lucy8060.bsky.social @lucy8060.bsky.social
I wish the media would make a big deal of this!
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