It Wouldn’t Be Make-Believe If You’d Believe In Me - This American Life
A political party in a major swing state bets on a total outsider.

Prologue: Prologue
Ira Glass
country, a good place to understand it is a state political party that made a very bold choice this year.
Dave Dishaw
The convention will come to order.
Ira Glass
The state is Michigan. This is a meeting that happened in February, where the Michigan Republican Party had to pick a new leader.
Dave Dishaw
If you want to return to your seats, you're welcome to. If you don't, that's fine. I know you're going to get up and sprint to vote here in a minute.
Ira Glass
They were at a crossroads. They'd gotten killed in the midterm elections, which was just a few months before this-- creamed. They were further out of power than they'd been in 40 years, with Democrats controlling the State House, the Senate, the Governor's Office, most of the Congressional seats.
And why? Well, a big reason was because the Republicans had all these candidates who were pushing the idea that the presidential election had been stolen. And Michigan voters are not into that. They do not want to elect candidates who are obsessed with the election being stolen, apparently.
So at this meeting in February, the party needed to elect a leader who's going to rebuild and take the party forward. And if you think about it, one logical path they could have taken is, they could have picked somebody who renounced the whole election fraud thing. Right? All the conspiracy theories about voting machines and just all that stuff that Michigan voters are rejecting.
But there were no candidates like that at all, nobody who said, let's drop all this election fraud stuff. Because a candidate like that would not have a ghost of a chance with the Republicans in this room, who are the ones who actually pick the new party leader. In the last few years, election-fraud stop-the-steal enthusiasts have driven out the regular, old-fashioned conservatives, and even other MAGA-loving Trump enthusiasts.
Those people have been ousted, if they didn't care enough about election fraud or if they have ties to the old party establishment that this new guard sees as completely corrupt, compromising RINOs. So in the end, at this convention, there were nine candidates. And just to give you a sense of the range of this group, the most traditional Republican of this bunch was a guy named Scott Greenlee.
Zoe Chace
"She," Kristina.
Ali Hossein
The country wasn't founded off of Muslim beliefs. It was founded off of Judeo-Christian beliefs. And that's a fact. You can look that up for yourself." And then, I'm like, yeah, we understand that, but like, let's be more inclusive and word it differently, so everyone's included, you know. Because we got the most amount of Muslims in America right in your-- like, right there, you know?
Hassan Nehme
I don't want to talk about what was said in that conversation, like exactly what was said.
Ali Hossein
Yeah, don't-- be nice about everything.
Zoe Chace
Hassan starts to get annoyed, staring down the table at Ali.
he better be careful, he's sounding like a democrat.

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