Been producing some stuff for the past year or so on Ableton Live 9 and a small midi keyboard and recently started getting into some gear. A lot of the sounds I'm going for is hip hop based meshed in with some soul/electronica/bit of rock and messing with my vocals for my recordings. It's completely experimental and sounding pretty bad for the most part

but in my head it sounds amazing and I have the vision, melodies, and sounds that I want to incorporate into my music. How useful would a device like this be? I've been reading about it online and it says it has a lot of reverb, multi-tap delays, looping and of course physical knobs but couldn't I do all this in Ableton? What advantage would I get from using this hardware? I distort and compress the fukk out of my voice for a lot of the melodies, could this help with that? I'm totally ignorant and completely lost when it comes to hardware as I've only used plugins and filters in Ableton. Would anyone recommend this or incorporate a device like this for their production?