Barney Pimpson
Definition: psychological disorder attributed to molestation in most cases which leads to mental anguish and a need to justify demonic activity
! It is mans nature to desire to rule and conquer
1 gays are no different than other men who wish to rule but in their perfect little world heterosexual men are extinct, sedated and jobless. Women are an underclass of worker bees to be ruled over
2 they think by destroying god and making silly little theoreys with no evidence and biased studies with skewed results can rob them of their guilt
! It is mans nature to desire to rule and conquer
1 gays are no different than other men who wish to rule but in their perfect little world heterosexual men are extinct, sedated and jobless. Women are an underclass of worker bees to be ruled over
2 they think by destroying god and making silly little theoreys with no evidence and biased studies with skewed results can rob them of their guilt