I don't care what anyone says. We need HBO to order a prequel series of Robert's Rebellion. And we need Weiss & Benioff back for it. You could get 4 seasons out of this easily. And we'd have all the major houses we loved in it.
I don't care what anyone says. We need HBO to order a prequel series of Robert's Rebellion. And we need Weiss & Benioff back for it. You could get 4 seasons out of this easily. And we'd have all the major houses we loved in it.
They already ruined Rings of Power, Withcher and the Wheel of time but you trust them to do this justice?HBO being cheap as hell these days. wish we could get some of these shows on streamers with deep pockets. netflix, amazon or apple+ would all suffice.
And we need Weiss & Benioff back for it.