Future of the Republican Party... Gerson/Chao/Rove from C-Span


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Future of the Republican Party - C-SPAN Video Library

I thought Michael Gerson showed out. Watching this I just kept :smugfavre: because he sounded like he should be on MSNBC. Check out 2:05

This was my first time actually listening/paying attention to Elaine Chao and I wasn't impressed .at.all.

Rove did his usual stat dropping that makes him seem like the smartest/most informed in the room.

At one point Gerson is like, "why don't you(we) take on corporate welfare and the big banks....show we're actually on the side of individual entrepreneurship and social mobility." He even brought up Prison reform. And I'm like :laff: cause then you'd be speaking at a Democratic rally......

I thought a very interesting thing that was brought up was about our mind state on intervention. Michael Gerson states that many of the new congressman "didn't come from The Reagan Era. They don't share the same assumptions of America's moral role in the world." This statement along with the ensuing conversation hits the nail on the head about what I discussed with @Type Username Here way way waaaay back. Pretty much it confirmed that America is taking the L in order to prevent WW3 (not just their business interest).

Point of the night again goes to Gerson who obviously gets it: Check out 1:36
"The traditional republican view, is in a highly mobile system where people can go from the bottom to the top, inequality is a natural outcome of capitalism. In a situation where you can't move from the bottom to the top, inequality is a caste system....the 1980 republican economic message of low taxes/high growth doesn't address that." Rove's response to Gerson is laughable at best.

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