How did this even enter your thoughts? This young man is exceptional under ANY standard but for his personal background he's even more exceptional. Why can't we just stand in awe of a guy with winner's dna?
Because I know how Black Rhodes, Truman, and Fulbright Scholars are treated. I've actually been around them, and I know how the establishment wants to use them.
#BlackExcellence is beautiful and all, but if you're too deluded to realise that the only reason why its "excellence" is because the vast majority of Black people are in conditions that systemically stop them from succeeding, and that we want the conditions to go away, then I don't have much to say to you
You can congratulate someone and understand the system needs to be changed at the same time
They literally only reward one or two "exceptional" candidates every year for the Rhodes; everyone else are the progeny of boarding schools/day schools, Ivy Leagues, successful academic parents and vigorous childhood tutoring