2 girls and they get along like I'm Lou Will
Let’s recap shall we:
1. I say you’re a mid 30s, jobless, p*ssyless loser who spends all his time on this board Stan Warring.
2. You pull up some old threads claiming I’m a c00n who hates black women because he can’t get them.
3. I post picture evidence of me with a bad black woman.
4. You first claim it’s not me or my girl. Then you shift the goal posts and suggests she’s an escort because of a thread I made 6 years ago where I say I’m shocked to find out a girl I’m seeing is an escort.
5. I post some of my iMessage convos, where you can clearly see I have a deep roster and women of all races and body types sending me nudes for nothing at all.
6. You shift the goal posts again and now claim they’re all escorts with 0 evidence or reasoning. Yeah because a nikka who was shocked to find out one girl was an escort and dumped her ass would definitely continue to go after escorts.
All this goalpost shifting is an absolutely pathetic display of coping. Making up stories to sleep better because you got ethered. I get more p*ssy than you bruh ain’t no shame in it. Only action you get is your dreams where Kobe slides it in.
Here’s the thing though….we both accused each other of being losers but I busted all your narratives. You on the other hand? We still on bullet point 1. In the blink of an eye it’ll be 2035, and you’ll still be here shamelessly sucking the skin off the meat of your idol.
Let’s recap shall we:
1. I say you’re a mid 30s, jobless, p*ssyless loser who spends all his time on this board Stan Warring.
2. You pull up some old threads claiming I’m a c00n who hates black women because he can’t get them.
3. I post picture evidence of me with a bad black woman.
4. You first claim it’s not me or my girl. Then you shift the goal posts and suggests she’s an escort because of a thread I made 6 years ago where I say I’m shocked to find out a girl I’m seeing is an escort.
5. I post some of my iMessage convos, where you can clearly see I have a deep roster and women of all races and body types sending me nudes for nothing at all.
6. You shift the goal posts again and now claim they’re all escorts with 0 evidence or reasoning. Yeah because a nikka who was shocked to find out one girl was an escort and dumped her ass would definitely continue to go after escorts.

All this goalpost shifting is an absolutely pathetic display of coping. Making up stories to sleep better because you got ethered. I get more p*ssy than you bruh ain’t no shame in it. Only action you get is your dreams where Kobe slides it in.

Here’s the thing though….we both accused each other of being losers but I busted all your narratives. You on the other hand? We still on bullet point 1. In the blink of an eye it’ll be 2035, and you’ll still be here shamelessly sucking the skin off the meat of your idol.