You repeating the same shyt over and over again doesn’t really change the fact that you’re a loser.

A proud one at that, given you never deny it. And I willingly invited you to PM me for more proof. You deliberately avoided it for obvious reasons.
You’re a mid 30s chronically online low life who can’t seem to grasp the fact that the internet =/= reality. And you’re struggling to cope with the fact that the pictures I showed you don’t line up with the perception you have of me…from 2 threads that are literally 4 and 6 fukking years old and don’t even convey the message that your dumbass thinks they do.
We both signed up in 2015 but you have 40k messages to my 4k. And the content of those messages has been exactly the same….since 2015. 9 years and no growth. 9 years and still homoerotically worshipping and hating certain ball players like you never left 9th grade. Yikes.
Here comes another post of you repeating “hates black people c00n this” for the 373773th time. We can talk in circles for days brother but the coli ain’t real life. You choose to spend all your time here because your real life is trash. Those are the facts