I hear a lot of this and maybe I'm too hard on Vando but I don't like him AT ALL to start the year. He's been bad to me.
I actually like Reddish. I just can't see him and Vando play together anymore
If I'm LeBron I'm not bailing Darvin out on his dumbass scheme/rotations he continues to trot out there. I'm gonna continue to pace myself until the 4th qt where I can take over.
It's one thing if it's late in the season or playoffs .. but I'm not covering for Darvins fuk ups because he refuses to trot out the most obvious rotations. Make it obvious it's dumb AF early in the year and force him to never trot out this lineup ever again.
Here's a decent convo about the Lakers I started listening to
Thanks for the video, I'll take a listen