Soon the US government will determine if your neighborhood is black enough, white enough, or brown enough?
"Yet another chilling move by the Obama administration and its bevy of Big Government socialists was put out on display this week. This time, Dear Leader indicated his intention of punishing American neighborhoods his government deems not “inclusive” enough. Punishments will be dealt out via withholding federal funding to local and state governments found to be just too darn WHITE. This isn’t a joke reader – we actually have an American president communicating these very intentions. It is centralized control of every facet of your lives, and it is being put in place right now. Please share this one reader – it is a story that is particularly important and one that should alarm even some who remain ardent Obama supporters…"
"Yet another chilling move by the Obama administration and its bevy of Big Government socialists was put out on display this week. This time, Dear Leader indicated his intention of punishing American neighborhoods his government deems not “inclusive” enough. Punishments will be dealt out via withholding federal funding to local and state governments found to be just too darn WHITE. This isn’t a joke reader – we actually have an American president communicating these very intentions. It is centralized control of every facet of your lives, and it is being put in place right now. Please share this one reader – it is a story that is particularly important and one that should alarm even some who remain ardent Obama supporters…"