For Those Who Can Relate - What type of women do you attract?


Train hard, fight easy
Jun 16, 2013
I can pretty much usually tell who’s going to be attracted to me when I walk onto a scene that has women around.

But my list goes:

Hoodrats - whether light skinned or dark, pretty lil hoodrat chicks cannot seem to resist me :mindblown:

And I can’t seem to resist them :manny:

Crip chicks, blood chicks, tatted up stripper chicks, you name it, Ive had them. They always just seem to be strongly attracted to me :manny:

And from what I’ve gathered from their comments over the years is it’s because there’s nothing ‘soft’ looking about me - from my dreadlocks to my stone face to my bow-legs that create my gangsta walk and my slim-muscular physique(Thanks Karate :rambo: Osu!), I tend to give off a very “rough n rugged” vibe to women in general.

But hoodrats in particular seem to be the ones who are the most attracted to it. And sometimes it just has me like :lupe: it’s just so surreal watching a cutie who you know is a gangsta b*tch who gives no fu*ks be completely disarmed by your presence and melt into a puddle of uncontrollable swooning. Even their tattoos be blushing. But I love em just the same.

Fat girls - Probably on most people’s list. And they’re so bold with it too. Purposely making comments loud enough for me to hear when I walk by, grabbing my ass in the club, etc., #metoo

High Yellows - Likely to be on most (dark skinned) guy’s lists.

Redbones are notorious for loving that ‘beauty and the beast’ image. They love being “pretty”, but being on the arm of a rugged mean looking dark skinned man like me. And they’re the only women I’ve ever been with who will literally ‘show you off’(the way men show off a pretty woman) while y’all are out and about. I swear they will have you feeling like a slab of meat by the time you’re done getting shopped around by them. And the brighter they are the worse it is smh. Only thing that sucks about this is that Im actually more attracted to dark skinned women. Not complaining though.

Athletes - In college I smashed basketball chicks, volleyball chicks, a softball chick, and as many track girls as I could keep up with. Sports girls always seem to be attracted to me. It’s funny, though, because I don’t get that same vibe from girls who are ‘gym rats’(those chicks who are super into fitness, etc). They don’t always show that same adoration towards me as actual sports girls do.

I’ve been hit on by other types too but the types I mentioned are the ones I can almost guarantee will hit on me.

I don’t attract non-Black women, other than Beckys, and I don’t f* with them. It’s curve city when they try me.

What type of women do you attract?

Edit - Multiple typos
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Cloutius Maximus

with the aid of the Funk...
Aug 25, 2013
Altadena, California
hoodrats hate me lol, prolly cuz i'm too honest and project an image that i don't engage in or tolerate fukkery

i attract artsy white girls, black women with big titties but no ass or mediocre cheeks, all types of asian women but esp pacific islanders, redheads, and jewish women.

i do well with latinas that arent hood or :mjpls: but i have to approach them

Ricky Dunigan

Jan 18, 2017
Easy... chicks looking to give the “nice guy “ who’s cute enough a chance/p*ssy. Broads been ran through by the 96 UConn team and now wanna settle down with Khalid el Amin. When they realize I’m just as much as a wolf as other cats, just nicer about it, they hate me, then love me again .

Lonely chicks that like a guy with a good sense of humor and smart

Oh and crazy chicks ... lots of crazy chicks

Jim Cornette

The Cult of Meat with Extra Cheese...
Nov 19, 2016
white girls that "love black guys"


(I guess I'm a lightskin breh... bout the same color as The Game.. if that means anythang)