Flyers In Eastern Ukraine Tell Jews To Register Themselves Or Face Expulsion


May 8, 2012

Flyers In Ukraine Demand Jews To Register - Business Insider

Jews in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk have allegedly been handed flyers by pro-Russian militants ordering that they register themselves and pay a tax or face deportation, The Interpreter reports.

The leaflets bear the signature of Denis Pushilin, the Chairman of Donetsk's temporary revolutionary government. The leaflets are written in Russian and bear both Russia's and the Donetsk People's Republic's insignias.

Jews in Donetsk reportedly received the flyers as they left synagogue Monday evening after attending Passover services. The flyers were handed out by men wearing balaclavas and without insignia, although they reportedly carried a Russian flag.

The Times of Israel reports that Pushilin denies any connection to the flyers and labels them as mere provocation. However, Ynet News reports that Pushilin confirmed the flyers were distributed by his organization but that he had no connection to the content.

The Jewish community suffered heavily in Ukraine during the Holocaust and during the Soviet Union, and a majority of the remaining community emigrated to Israel. Today roughly 500,000 Jews remain in Ukraine.

Ironically, part of Putin's propaganda against the interim Ukrainian government is that neo-Nazis occupy key government posts.

An informal translation of the flyer, by Paul Goble of The Interpreter, is below:

Respected citizens of Jewish nationality! Given that the leaders of the Jewish community of Ukraine support the Banderite junta in Kiev and are hostile to the Orthodox Donetsk Republic and its citizens, the Main Staff of the Donetsk Republic orders the following:

All citizens of Jewish nationality over the age of 16 who live on the territory of the sovereign Donetsk Republic must before May 3, 2014, appear before the Donetsk Republic commissar for nationality affairs in Room 514 of the government’s offices. The cost of registration is 50 US dollars.

In addition to the sum of 50 US dollars, those registering must bring their passports so that their religious affiliation can be entered, documents about the members of their families, and also notarized documents about all the real estate and means of transportation you own.

Those who refuse to register will be deprived of citizenship and forcibly expelled from the republic and their property will be confiscated.

Read more: Flyers In Ukraine Demand Jews To Register - Business Insider
Jun 24, 2012
This is where the lies come into factor. #1 The Russian Troops aren't doing that. #2 The Neo-Nazis Ulkranians who were part of the opposition before the overthrow of the gov't is who is doing is.

NATO's Pet Nazis Savage Ukrainian Presidential Candidate

US-EU legitimacy is crippled as their Kiev regime uses overt, systematic violence and intimidation to consolidate its hold over Ukraine.
April 15, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Ukrainian presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev was savagely beaten outside a TV studio after an interview for the Ukrainian talk show, 'Svoboda Slova.’ The studio was apparently surrounded by armed men in masks earlier, preventing Tsarev from leaving after the interview. When he did finally emerge, masked men with Svoboda Neo-Nazi "Wolfsangel" armbands began throwing objects at, choking, and physically beating Tsarev.

Dramatic video of the confrontation was captured, and exposes the successors of the "Euromaidan" protests as not a "pro-democracy" movement, but a mob using violence and intimidation to disrupt and destroy all political opposition to their agenda.

In an earlier report titled, " Ukraine: The Anti-Maidan Begins," the various components of the "Euromaidan" protests were broken down illustrating how violent Neo-Nazi fanatics and ideologues were the rule, rather than the exception in Kiev before the violent overthrow of the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych. The mobs that attacked Tsarev outside the studio he had given an interview in, appear to have ties to Svoboda's street front, one of the central political parties that led the "Euromadian," and a party that now enjoys three top ministry positions within the newly installed Kiev regime.

Image: Top left - thugs emerging just ahead of Ukrainian presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev can clearly be seen wearing the Svoboda Neo-Nazi "Wolfsangel" on yellow and black armbands. Shortly after they passed, other masked thugs would physically assault Tsarev, resulting in hospitalization. To the right and along the bottom - various images of Svoboda's street movement in action. Note the same yellow and black "Wolfsangel" along with the "three-fingered salute" of the official Svoboda Party flag.

Image: Laying to rest any lingering doubts, images from "Euromaidan" rallies were frequently dominated by the yellow and blue Svoboda Party flags, featuring a three-fingered salute, intermixed with EU flags, and flags of Ukraine's other ultra-right, Neo-Nazi parties, including the "Fatherland Party," and Right Sector's crimson and black banners.
As the regime in Kiev prepares a violent "anti-terror" campaign to subjugate eastern Ukrainians who wholly reject the unelected regime's seizure of power and its deliberate intimidation and deconstruction of their political rivals ahead of rushed elections, the savage beating of Oleg Tsarev by the regime's supporters must be kept in mind. It is these very tactics by the regime that is driving opposition across much of Ukraine's eastern and southern regions, including Crimea which has already decided upon and begun the process of integrating with Russia rather than remain under literal Neo-Nazis occupying Kiev.

The Western media will continue covering-up, spinning, and otherwise compartmentalizing the violent, authoritarian regime in Kiev - but acts like the beating of Oleg Tsarev will make this task all the more difficult, and the likelihood of the regime ever establishing any sort of legitimacy slim if at all possible.


May 8, 2012
This is where the lies come into factor. #1 The Russian Troops aren't doing that. #2 The Neo-Nazis Ulkranians who were part of the opposition before the overthrow of the gov't is who is doing is.

Is EuroMaidan doing it, or are Russians playing on KNOWN stereotypes of Ukranian nationalists and putting them up to scare people? :ohhh:


May 8, 2012
Blaming the Russians make Americans who support Israel want to protest and cry out against Russia. It's known Euro-Maidan are Neo-Nazi supporters.

It is known that SOME Euro-Maidan members MAY be neo-nazis. And that knowledge is based in part on historical stereotypes.


May 2, 2012
those jews are screwed either way, if that new ukraine gov stays around there gonna get rid of them and if russia takes over the ukraine the same thing probably happens

its a no win situation