FloW's Poetry #1 : ''Memoir Of The Lost Mind...''

Still FloW

Gawd Of Shinobi
Dec 5, 2012
Inside K. Michelle's Box
Memoir Of The Lost Mind...

Ever looked inside the eyes of the man who feels no pain.. Wonders why he wakes up and feels the same..
Lone nights alone in the centre of his mind as it all falls apart. And the darkness calls out to feed on his mind.

We walk the path of the wise ones because we were told to, not because we wanted to. But grow up in the way we were raised not the way we liked to.

Does this make sense, I doubt it. Why. Because I do not exist. I am you, the lost parables in the corner of existence. Wild nights you sought after your own persistence but only achieved it after a steady slumber..

Many a cold winter, you longed for a companion, but instead received warmth from the lone fireplace basking in the glow of what was being yearned.

Those lonely tears many you have shed in spite of those who spoke against you, You live in retrospect of those who fall ahead of you. They are the ones who decide how you think. How you breathe. I say this because we are stuck in a loop. The control system. The power behind all evil you tried so hard to resist.

I am the stone that the builder refused. Only to end up atop of the lofty mansion grazing in the yonder of perfection. Where is this place. I do not know. This isn't poetry. This isn't a story. This isn't Haiku. This is an expression of the lost mind trapped in an endless sponge of despair.

Where has the happiness gone that once was around. The smile that made her say those words that made your heart once leap with remorse. Now replaced by the thoughts of your meaningless existence.

Oh the nights I prayed for it all to end. To begin anew with the one who expressed me fully and understood the pain my poor heart had to carry for all these many years. Who am I. Once again, I am the lost thought seamlessly floating about like a piece from ancient time. Not appreciated.

Emotionally drained. The tears of a clown they said. The face that hid the tears with the photogenic smiles that were easily like glass. See through and easily broken.
A lost world for the mind once used to rule countless lands. The once unified thought brought together by friendship of understanding one and other now scattered by their selfish resolves.

What is your resolve. To Lead. To Win. We don't know. Hence we strive to make it work, to make our lives meaningful. Without the insightful mind were do we go. Nowhere.
The sweat shed by the man who longed for the love of his Father. To be told I am proud of you. The yearning of acknowledgement clouding the judgement of the supposedly respected one.

Where do I end now. Lost in time. Lost in translation. Lost in the wind and carried by the breeze thrown about carelessly. It shall be better for you.

May you find inner peace.. May the love for your faith be as those of the beautiful Queens..​

my first ever poem (wrote this almost 3 years ago), ive written over 40 at this point but this was special to me. what do you guys think ?

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Bumping this for the breh even though this is the salon (aka for the ladies) because he does deserve some love for having enough courage to post this.

If anyone wanna read mine (:mjlol:) just PM me.
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