Apex Predator
I'm going to be in the market for a flat screen soon. Somewhere in that 47" - 55" inch range. Looking to drop between $600 - $1100 on it. Any recommendations (places to look, brands to buy, brands to avoid, etc)? All help is appreciated.
I'm rocking a 2005 52" DLP now. The color is , the sound is , and it weighs like 35 lbs.
I'm going to be in the market for a flat screen soon. Somewhere in that 47" - 55" inch range. Looking to drop between $600 - $1100 on it. Any recommendations (places to look, brands to buy, brands to avoid, etc)? All help is appreciated.
I'm rocking a 2005 52" DLP now. The color is , the sound is , and it weighs like 35 lbs.