Ladies and Gentlehumans, we are gathered here because something dropped in my spirit concerning the arguments with black wrestlers. Lately, in this wrestling world, especially in the IWC (TSC INCLUDED) that heads are having this whole "my black wrestler is getting better opportunity than your black wrestler", this stan wars enabled.
However, the grim reality is never exposed to the masses of neckbeardom, due to the aspect of playfighting. Luckily, Gawd spoke to me and he said to address the grim truth of such arguments.
These men were responisble for pushing black talent...but sacrifice of dignity and embracing negative stereotypes.
Bill Watts motto was "seeing green" involving black wrestlers, yet he would have some harmful words to say about them, including his money maker:

Thus we enter the wonderful world of the WWF and Vince decides to make this black man a star....

Lets rewind back during the NWA days, concerning black wrestlers including the gawd:
And the blatant racism, "borrowing" of gimmicks and uncertain pushes, thus leading to one of the biggest attractions to the wrestling business:

And the grim reality of his true fanbase:
So when we call each other "c00ns", gloat about how a booker is booking black talent, and all the nonsense that's been going on in the TSC concerning black wrestlers (including influtrators that stroke the fire of stan wars), don't forget the hardship that our fellow black wrestlers endured. Don't forget the WCW lawsuits concerning minorities getting treated like all forms of inferior.
Don't forget how money can change a direction of a black wrestler, but destroy his soul in the process:

So please be caucious of this stannery war, as wrestling in general came a long way from what our forefathers embraced, but the issues still the same...only subtley hidden from the blind eye.