The Sword of Jesus of Nazareth
So long story short, before he died, my grandfather and me were super close. And my father, being the flagrant fakkit he is, was mad about that.
i feel so dumb, not realizing that's what it was. So the past two days ma dukes, has been explaining how much it bothered the man because my grandfather treated me well.....and it's not like he was even hard on my father being a man born in the fukkin' 30's at that.......
which is funny...cause we're basically doing a re-run of this very cycle. Only thing is, it's completely self-inflicted all on my father because he's a jealous bytch that's been plotting on me ever since he knew I started my own business which is telling cause it ain't much.
yet he gets that cracker ass judge of his to sign off a no contact order on me.
Happy Father's Day ya'll.
Don't allow your past to derail your present.