Carriers have taken away peoples unlimited data. Sprint has increase their plan by 10$ if you upgrade to a smartphone. They charge for LTE even though its not deploy nationally. AT&T blocks Facetime over LTE using unlimited data. Verizon block apps from phone. Carriers delay updates in order to sell newer phones. In order to upgrade and keep your unlimited data thats throttle after 4gb if you have spend 600-700$. Everybody is saying that carriers will soon get rid of subsidizing phones their phones and we have to buy them at full retail. Google is onto something. LTE is the advantage that the carriers have to keep people around 
Is LTE that important that after 2 years you have to spend 700$ to switch phones or lose your unlimited data. Not only that they control your updates

Is LTE that important that after 2 years you have to spend 700$ to switch phones or lose your unlimited data. Not only that they control your updates