Fellas I need some help...


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
I made up my own routine but I feel I am failing. Before every workout I run one mile on the treadmill and do some sort of ab workout. I do 2 sets of 10, move on to the next workout on my list, then re do my list again, 2 sets of 10, for a total 4 sets of 10 at the end of the workout.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, all upper body:

Fly delt: 130

Chest Press: 110

Shoulder Press: 60 each arm

Row: 150

Back extension: 130

Curl: 100

Tuesday and Thursday, all lower body:

Leg Press

Calf Extension

Leg Curl

Hip abduction

I rest Saturdays and Sundays.

I drink protein shakes unfortunately inconsistently but I make sure to at least drink one the days I workout.

Things I need help with:

I need to get this fukking fat off my sides. It's been there for the longest and I tend to hold a lot of water weight so I feel bloated quite a bit. I've read drinking MORE water makes you lose water weight so I'm actually trying that because I tend to neglect water consumption. I want to have my abs defined for once in my life...

Chicken legs, shyts getting embarrassing. What exercises can I do to thicken my legs? Like, the section a little above and below my knees.

I notice I'm actually gaining a bit of mass up top but my legs are small and it makes me look like a punk ass bytch.

Any suggestions to my workout? Any help to my two dilemmas? I need/want to bulk up but I'm having little to no results.



Apr 30, 2012
Cardio and diet for the sides. Had the same shyt when I was trying to drop. Cut out that bread and rice breh. Try to go vitamins and protein only. Lean meats at that. When it comes to legs I have the same problem at my calves. I do a lot of weight, whole stack and all that. Higher weight and lower reps.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Tuesday and Thursday, all lower body:

Leg Press

Calf Extension

Leg Curl

Hip abduction
I am going to recommend the following.
1. one mile jog
2. stretching (skip that ab stuff on this day.)
3. squats
Four sets with 10 reps each. Start off at a weight where you can do 10 repetitions without having to cheat at the end. I don't know what your strength is now but form is important than poundage. I would recommend 60 pounds. Four sets, each one with 10 reps., use 65 pounds on your first Tuesday. That's the barbell plus two 10 lb plates. Even if it feels easy do it. This will change.
4. calf raises
Four sets with 10 reps each. Most important is form and pausing at the top. No need to have a billion pounds on this one. I don't know what starting weight you should use. Just pick whatever you are able to do 10 reps without cheating it up.
5. stretching

1. one mile jog
2. stretching
3. calf raises
Four sets with 15 reps each. See if you can use the same weight that you were using as Tuesday. If you can't, it's okay to bring the weight down in order to complete the 15 reps.
4. deadlift
Four sets at 10 repetitions each. Start with the 45 barbell and add two 10 lbs. plates on each end for a total of 85 pounds. Look up how to do a deadlift online or youtube. It's okay to ask a gym rat for help.
5. stretching

2nd Tuesday
Everything is the same except for poundage. If you can increase the weight on calf raises, do so as long as you aren't cheating it up and are able to pause the rep at the top of the calf raise.
For the squats. Start the first set with 65 lbs. Watch your form. Keep your head straight and watch how low you go. You can look in the mirror and see if you are going down to the same level as you were doing with 65 lbs. This means you aren't going down far enough. No cheating. Second set, add 20 lbs. Do 10 repetitions. Third set, add 20 lbs. Do 10 repetitions. Fourth set. add 20 lbs. Do 10 repetitions. I'm recommending starting with low weights so you can focus on form and depth.

2nd Thursday
Everything is the same as last Thursday except for poundage. Calf raises, you should have a better idea of what you are able to do weight resistance wise. Try to do the 4 sets and 15 reps with a lower weight that you were using on Tuesday.
For deadlift, in the first set, start with 85 lbs. Do 10 reps. Second set. Add 20 lbs. Do 10 reps. Third set. Add 20 lbs. Do 10 reps. Fourth set. Add 20 lbs. Do 10 reps. Form is important at low weights as much as it is for heavy weights.

In the subsequest Tuesdays and Thursdays, For the squats and deadlifts, start 20 lbs. heavier for the first set. Then proceed to add 20 lbs for the following sets. There's going to be a set where you cannot add 20 lbs and complete 10 reps. You will know because the previous set was highly difficult at the end. At his point, You have kind of discovered your 10 rep max. For the following set, either add only 10 lbs. (i.e. two 5 lbs. plates) or add only 5 lbs. (i.e. two 2.5 lbs. plates).

Once you get to the point where you find what weight you can do for 10 reps and can't go higher. I recommend a change in set/rep numbers.


May 7, 2012
read this thread and get your nutrition right. if you don't know how many calories you should be taking per day you are already losing. Find your BMR. Look up how to do it. Then eat under that every day. Get this done. Stop fukking around with bullshyt.

May 1, 2012
New Orleans via NYC
yeah i see a lot of problems with your work out schedule actually. seems like u not going hard enough bro. u gotta know what ur goal is to lose fat or to bulk up...cant do both.


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
I am going to recommend the following.
1. one mile jog
2. stretching (skip that ab stuff on this day.)
3. squats
Four sets with 10 reps each. Start off at a weight where you can do 10 repetitions without having to cheat at the end. I don't know what your strength is now but form is important than poundage. I would recommend 60 pounds. Four sets, each one with 10 reps., use 65 pounds on your first Tuesday. That's the barbell plus two 10 lb plates. Even if it feels easy do it. This will change.
4. calf raises
Four sets with 10 reps each. Most important is form and pausing at the top. No need to have a billion pounds on this one. I don't know what starting weight you should use. Just pick whatever you are able to do 10 reps without cheating it up.
5. stretching

1. one mile jog
2. stretching
3. calf raises
Four sets with 15 reps each. See if you can use the same weight that you were using as Tuesday. If you can't, it's okay to bring the weight down in order to complete the 15 reps.
4. deadlift
Four sets at 10 repetitions each. Start with the 45 barbell and add two 10 lbs. plates on each end for a total of 85 pounds. Look up how to do a deadlift online or youtube. It's okay to ask a gym rat for help.
5. stretching

2nd Tuesday
Everything is the same except for poundage. If you can increase the weight on calf raises, do so as long as you aren't cheating it up and are able to pause the rep at the top of the calf raise.
For the squats. Start the first set with 65 lbs. Watch your form. Keep your head straight and watch how low you go. You can look in the mirror and see if you are going down to the same level as you were doing with 65 lbs. This means you aren't going down far enough. No cheating. Second set, add 20 lbs. Do 10 repetitions. Third set, add 20 lbs. Do 10 repetitions. Fourth set. add 20 lbs. Do 10 repetitions. I'm recommending starting with low weights so you can focus on form and depth.

2nd Thursday
Everything is the same as last Thursday except for poundage. Calf raises, you should have a better idea of what you are able to do weight resistance wise. Try to do the 4 sets and 15 reps with a lower weight that you were using on Tuesday.
For deadlift, in the first set, start with 85 lbs. Do 10 reps. Second set. Add 20 lbs. Do 10 reps. Third set. Add 20 lbs. Do 10 reps. Fourth set. Add 20 lbs. Do 10 reps. Form is important at low weights as much as it is for heavy weights.

In the subsequest Tuesdays and Thursdays, For the squats and deadlifts, start 20 lbs. heavier for the first set. Then proceed to add 20 lbs for the following sets. There's going to be a set where you cannot add 20 lbs and complete 10 reps. You will know because the previous set was highly difficult at the end. At his point, You have kind of discovered your 10 rep max. For the following set, either add only 10 lbs. (i.e. two 5 lbs. plates) or add only 5 lbs. (i.e. two 2.5 lbs. plates).

Once you get to the point where you find what weight you can do for 10 reps and can't go higher. I recommend a change in set/rep numbers.


Stellar post man. Greatly appreciated. I'll do all of this!


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
Well.... which one is it?

Sorry I might not be using the correct terms. I mean, slim down my stomach to rippling abs while gaining muscle mass. I guess it's called lean muscle mass? NH but I want to look like The Situation or Pauly D, lean but with cut muscles, instead of Ronnie, where he's just a big bulky guy no real definition.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Sorry I might not be using the correct terms. I mean, slim down my stomach to rippling abs while gaining muscle mass. I guess it's called lean muscle mass? NH but I want to look like The Situation or Pauly D, lean but with cut muscles, instead of Ronnie, where he's just a big bulky guy no real definition.

what spliff is saying is you cant do both

you either cut

or you bulk

where are you at, i know most folks are iffy with pics but they would help

regardless your goal, a proper lifting routine is required. If you have never worked with barbells i recommend Starting Strength/Stronglifts(posted in the sticky)

if you have worked with barbells and have a solid base, PHAT, GVT, or any other upper/lower split would be fine(also posted in the sticky)

the more specific info you provide, the better we can help you


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
Lol I keep using Jersey Shore references no homo but it's the best way to describe I guess. I'm like at Vinny's level of fitness, just a little skinnier. I don't use free weights.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Lol I keep using Jersey Shore references no homo but it's the best way to describe I guess. I'm like at Vinny's level of fitness, just a little skinnier. I don't use free weights.

so you look like this

id go stronglifts

if your bodyfat is in his range, i would bulk for about 3 months(eating 200-300cals above maintenance, use my cutting guide to find your maintenance but instead add to that number instead of subtracting)

with enough protein and discipline in the gym, youll appreciate the results. You just have to be dedicated. It needs to be said that Form >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

learn proper form if you want to make fitness a lifestyle as opposed to a fad