Rapper Owes More Than $7 Million To His Alleged Victim In Sexual Assault Case
A California Federal Court has signed off on an order for law enforcement to seize The Game’s assets in order to satisfy a $7 million judgment.
The deputy clerk of the U.S. District Court approved a “Writ of Execution” against The Game last month, which orders the United States Marshals to confiscate money in his bank accounts or take over his properties in order to pay the judgment.
The Game’s alleged sexual assault victim, Priscilla Rainey, won the money after successfully suing him for molesting her while on a date in 2015 as they filmed the reality show “She’s Got Game.”
The writ, which was obtained by BOSSIP, directs the U.S. Marshals to enforce Rainey’s $7.1 million judgment against The Game, along with an additional $111,579 in interest.
Rainey has been trying to collect her judgment for years, but The Game – who is set to release new music this year – has been adamant about not paying up. Late last year, she was able to have the case moved from Illinois to The Game’s home state of California, to make it easier to get the money.
It was unclear Friday whether the marshals had satisfied the terms of the writ.
Court Directs US Marshals To Go After The Game Over $7 Mill Judgment In Sex Abuse Case (Exclusive)
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