Father calls 911 for help after enraged cat attacks baby then bails whole family in the bedroom

Rhapscallion Démone

♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
Father calls 911 for help after enraged cat attacks baby then bails whole family - including DOG - up in bedroom


  • Lee Palmer, his partner Teresa Barker and their baby son were forced to hide in their Oregon bedroom from Lux, a 22-pound Himalayan cat
  • They had retreated there after the fearsome feline had scratched baby Jesse and Palmer kicked the cat's behind - turning it into a sour puss
  • Too scared to emerge from the bedroom, Palmer called 911 for help
  • Authorities arrived at the home and caught the cat before returning it to his family; they are now debating whether he needs a new home
A rampaging, 22-pound Oregon house cat with a 'history of violence' attacked a baby and trapped a family and their dog in a bedroom at their Portland home before being captured by police.

On Sunday, the cat, a black-and-white Himalayan called Lux, scratched seven-month-old Jesse in the face, according to Portland Police Bureau spokesman Sergeant Pete Simpson.

The baby's father, Lee Palmer, kicked the cat in the backside, which sent it into a rage, and Palmer, his partner Teresa Barker and their baby, along with the dog, retreated into a bedroom in fear.

Scroll down for 911 call audio


Like butter wouldn't melt: Lux is a Himalayan with a 'history of violence,' say his owners. They were forced to call 911 on Sunday after Lux attacked their baby and then cornered them in a bedroom

Attack: Teresa Barker, pictured with her baby Jesse, who was starched on the forehead by Lux

Escape: Jesse didn't need medical attention but his parents were concerned Lux would attack again
As they cowered in the room, Palmer called 911 to report his 'very particular emergency'.

'I kicked the cat in the rear, and it has gone over the edge,' he can be heard saying in a recording of the call. 'He's trying to attack us. He's very, very, very, very hostile. He's at our door; he's charging us.'

Meanwhile, the four-year-old cat blocked the bedroom doorway and could be heard on the 911 call screeching loudly, Simpson said.

'When I leave out the bedroom to let the police in, I'm going to have to fight this cat,' Palmer told the dispatcher. 'Tell them to be careful - the police.'

The dispatcher, having never encountered such a situation before, asks her supervisor whether or not police can be sent for an angry cat. The supervisor answers in the affirmative.

Oregonian on Monday. 'We definitely want to keep (the cat) away from the baby and keep an eye on his behavior.'

On Tuesday, Palmer defended his decision to kick the cat on his Facebook page.


Emergency: Lee Palmer and his girlfriend were too fearful of their cat Lux to emerge from their bedroom

Quiet moment: Teresa Barker posted this picture of herself and Lux on Facebook in happier times
'The cat is very loved that is why he is still here,' he wrote. 'We had the option to let the animal control take him but decided to give him a chance.

The cat is territorial and can swat randomly and he swatted my son in the face - could have gotten him in the eye. I'm a very caring, hard-working father that cares about my son... I did kick him away from my son - you would too.'

These demons must be stopped :sadbron:



Sep 23, 2014
Cats hate humans and hate there owners. Dogs choose 1 person in the household to love more then anyone else. Man cleanly not supposed to have pets