Faces Of White Supremacy


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
WHITE SUPREMACY | Neo-Con and the Silent rattle of the White Liberal

The Neo-Con & the silent rattle of the White liberal


"I'd rather walk among rattlesnakes, whose constant rattle warns me where they are, than among those Northern snakes who grin and make you forget you're still in a snake pit "

Malcolm X

The analogy of the relationship between the White liberal and the neo-con is that of the left hand and the right hand; connected to the same body and necessary for clapping for the continuation of white supremacy. The left hand is as equally dependent on the right hand, as the right is dependent on the left. One commits the crime and the other covers it up. Together the central system of White Supremacy is adept at better managing
or manipulating, the world into spheres of white domination. Different methods aside the outcome from both camps is African agency gets trampled, they retain the World Heavyweight championship title and Africans in some capacity are orbiting their white Supa Nova. Both strains sustain hegemony over every aspect of the African world; from terminologies, to products, to politics, to Africa’s cultural and intellectual resources. We can clearly see neoconservative racism; it leaves a trail of dead bodies, invaded countries, and indigenous people in a state of physical or cultural genocide.

However, the liberal strain of white supremacy operates by appearing friendly, with the conscious or unconscious intentions, of diverting non-white struggles into ambiguity. Liberalism is therefore even more deadly because its entire mission is to, knowing or unknowing; protect and project white supremacy by causing internal failure within the African liberation movement. This act of creating failure is almost genetic, because it is hardwired to white self-interest; where whiteness is a property and a mental mode of resonating with the world. The overarching characteristic of White Supremacy, in all its strains, and by all of its hidden and open names (such as Zionism, Aryan nation, neo-Darwinism, etc), is blinding arrogance and an intolerance to any form of non-whiteagency. Even in the guise of liberalism and charity, it has this habit of speaking for, and through the people, it claims to help.This is what makes it a form of supremacy; the notion of a more advanced, civilized, moral, refined people saving savages from their terrible fate of self-mutilation. White so-called liberals are happy to contribute to the African struggle in a way that always provides the best breeding ground for African dependency.

"The White liberal agrees with everything that is wrong with the world, but then disagrees with every African solution to repair it!"

Many liberals sincerely want Africans to develop, and the flies on our faces to go away. But their idea of that developed state means we can mop the floor faster, and service their broken air-con with greater professionalism. We might even be able to be trusted to lock up the shop when they are vacationing in the alps. They do not consciously think of it like that, but ironically this is still the end result: A "struggle" which does not displace Whites as the dominant race-class.
And what confuses many, especially naive Africans, is just because the Quakers, for example, wanted to end slavery does not mean you and them became equals.It is like no one fighting for the blue whale and the Sumatran tiger plans still sees them as anything more than animals. Start moving into their neighborhoods and marrying their daughters and see how fast the love is lost.

So when you have a little petition or a nonsense liberation program and you see a lot of smiling White liberals agreeing with you, know that they have already calculated self-interest. They have no problem agreeing with your gansta film or your so-called "cultural" guitar concert. And if you have to some spit for Mugabe they will label you "the true voice of the new African." But go and build an institute to lobby for reparations, a Pan-African university, or a Pan-African supermarket and see a totally different reaction. White Supremacy is fully, consciously or even unconsciously, capable of seeing White self-interest faster than it takes for a switch to tell a light to come on. (note: White Self-interest, unlike African self-interest, is very strong. While we have to motivate ourselves, talk to each other, support each other to promote our self-interest, for the European it is a reflex action. Its means off the bat they have you beat in the self-interest department. They calculate self-interest in milliseconds, we calculate it is decades.)

This creates a sense of movement without actually covering any ground—like a mouse on a wheel, that goes nowhere—aimless and functionless. A struggle with objectives, which are just out of reach. For example, they demand that Africans succumb to some “broader human (color blind) calling” in a world that is controlled by the color line. The liberal comes with beautiful words and offers of peace, only to get a better purchase on the African liberation struggle taking it down the path of least revolutionary trajectory.

"In its quest for certainty, Western philosophy continues to generate what it imagines to be colorless and genderless accounts of knowledge, reality, morality, and human nature ."


There is an unfortunate element in the African community, especially in the Diaspora that uses the existence of White Supremacy to delay actual work in areas exploited or destroyed by White Supremacy. White Supremacy like the Freemasons has become the grand nemesis that stops everything. So they dismiss everything in science, maths, logic, history as part of White Supremacy and therefore to be ignored. But European and White Supremacy are not automatically interchangeable.There is no White Supremacy in the calculation of gravity (9.81) and if you want to make African planes fly, you might need to check it out.

It is easy to point the finger at something as omnipresent as White Supremacy and not deal with anything else. White Supremacy is certainly not the only thing going on holding Africans or non-whites back. To believe this is to make Whites into gods.

Africans have agency and choice, more so now than ever before. If your home is a wreck, then fix your home. You not doing yourself any favors by pointing the finger at White Supremacy especially when you are ignorant of its operation. Because if you truly understood what White Supremacy was, then you would know the battleground is in your own home! And in neglecting educating your children only feeds them into the frontlines of White Supremacy.

Bad parenting while an outcome of the African Holocaust will not be fixed by marching on "White supremacy" (WS is not that type of target) only by an internal review of African parenting.The poor education which plagues our people cannot be fixed by "blowing up" the "White" education system, only by creating an African education system. Capitalism which ruins lives does not respond to the weak threats of confused people, only an alternative to capitalism. If White Supremacy destroys identity, then identity must be repaired TINA (there is no alternative). Because how can a people who do not even know who they are and where they come from defeat a group of people rooted in identity? How can people who cannot engineer a a bridge fight people who can?

How can a people without a banking system defeat people with a banking system? So running a Facebook page and talking 24/7 about "they killing our people" does nothing to White supremacy. Screaming on the streets about "Black Lives Matter" has zero effect on White Supremac because it has no conscience to appel to, so who is hearing your powerfless screams televized on TV networks you do not own, on social media you do not control?

And If you are not organizing as institutions to deal with social justice, parenting, marriage, business,lobbying, education, support civil societies, media ownership, then you are the firewood that keeps White Supremacy burning bright.

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Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth

Remember Whiteness does business with the struggle with the lowest possibility of true liberation. No offence to the honest work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Mandela, and others, but that is what happened—it is actually all that happened.. Far easier to pick the softest option and raise its profile, that to engage the struggle with the deepest outlook for true liberation may that be Malcolm X, Biko, Lumumba, Che, Delaney, Allende, Sukarno, Ho-Chi-Ming, Farrakhan, Gaddafi, Hamas, etc. White supremacy has always been a master of championing and celebrating Africans who can put them at ease. And while King was busy trying to secure a single focus aim of equality (same place on the bus, same toilet space) what Malcolm X and NOI were trying to secure was something far more dangerous and far more long term; total economic self-reliance, and do for self. History has shown us the "I have a dream" of MLK, the rainbow of Tutu and Mandela to offer no solutions for the major challenges still plaguing the African.


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
"Whites are generous without giving justice; personally humane, without an equitable sharing of wealth, power or status"

Maulana Karanga

And this ablity to weight the opposition means White supremacy has it locked down, to a percentage. As long as there is say 2% inclusion of the most compromised "black" faces, they know that is enough to keep 80% of non-White peoples quite for eternity. The remaining 20% they can marginalized, ignore or dronned into oblivion (in that order).

They can write entire books on Africa and compile a play-list of all White authors without batting an eyelid to the inequity in doing so. They offer feminism in place of women’s justice, to lure the African woman outside of the African family unit. They support every vice and deviant behavior under the banner of liberalism in order to destroy the heart of African unity. They preach peace and harmony while footnoting justice and self-determination. They are very vocal at reminding people that they are divorced from their ancestors history of horror, and that Africans should avoid generalizations. But they remain the dominant race-class knowing no land of exception. So the general state of world affairs is Whites at the top Africans and other non-Whites at the absolute bottom. So until that general statistic changes, then all generalizations are necessary and valid.

And If humanity has any plan of altering the outcome in the future, we must all own the past, and the behaviors of the past, which perpetuate inequity. And that past personality of White supremacy has never changed or been addressed in any institutional way.


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth

"One of the greatest fuels for White supremacy is "Black" choices"


One of the greatest fuels for White supremacy is "Black" choices. (Shahadah) Every time yet another celebrity of African heritage gets "fame" and their proof of arrival is a White partner, it sends a message to us all that Whiteness is better. There is no real "blame" on the White partner, or on mix-relationships, but the point of perception still stands. When we prefer everything White culture offers us, we are enhancing White domination. It is the choices non-White people make in business, entertainment, social that confirm that everything White is better.

So why do many see Whites as superior? If for 500 years White people come into your village by plane and build wells. Added to this they
have invented cars, lights, airplane, computers, Internet, CD, cameras, film, modern medicine, printers, tablets, record player, mp3 player, piano, on and on. They have given you medicine, solve your environmental issues (conservation), set up civil engineer projects, feed you and finally educate you (how to read and write), of course you would draw the conclusion that they are superior. Added to that is the obvious disparity between life in the West and life in much of post-colonial Africa. Logic makes the argument; superior people are capable of superior feats. How come these people can invent so much that we need and all we are doing is rap music, supplying raw materials and labor?



Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth

Because that is how it looks from an remote vantage point. Logic says; how can you be equal but cannot create equal Cargo(Diamond). Another way of making this case is any alien studying the history of the Earth would probably, however briefly, entertain this myth. It is not an illogical conclusion— Far from it when you glance over history. But this is why glancing anything is such a problem. We have seen the legacy of glancing what appear to be statistical facts; Islamophobia, antisemitism, anti-African racism, etc.Now we have identified it, we also know how to reverse it. So let African people see other Africans in positions of power with ownership. Because every White "help" deepens our dependency on them and our lack of faith in ourselves. And less time whining and a little more time building. (See the Japanese Economic Miracle)


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth

The sociological formula of Prejudice + Power = Racism. It has been misrepresented by all sides. One side objects because they feel it implicates only Whites, and try to debunk it will illogical arguments without a complete understanding of the power dynamic and what that means. The other side accepts it because they feel it excludes Africans so naturally cling to it. However, the statement on its own only deals with power: the ability to affect the lives of people positively or negatively.

But the topic is not exhausted yet because Africans in the West are usually lacking in power, so that in the main, Africans globally are less likely to have the power to be racist (i.e. hurt the lives of others with bigoted views). (See Agency)


When discussing racism we need to stick to discussing its reality on the lives of people. But the way some stop the debate is to try to make you feel uncomfortable about raising the issue of race because it makes them (as individuals) uncomfortable. Well it makes us as victims veryuncomfortable that racism is a reality of our lives! So we will talk about it when and where it exist. And the general phenomenon of racism should not be personalized to start discussing the "good white person", or the "poor white person" because none of that changes the reality of Whites as the primary agents of racism in the lives of African people. So if they happen to be not racist, or just as oppressed as African people, or have had Africans oppress them it still does not change the last 500 Years of ongoing history.

Political correct White liberals masquerade as the future of a progressive society but behind the mask of PC is nothing but oppression. It serves their interest in controlling the platform of dissenting opinion towards their euphemistic racist ideology. It would actually be better to deal with the full force of the Neo-liberal with all their honesty and clarity. So the statement "I am not racist" is no comfort to the disempowered African.


Despite being the victims of racism for 500 Years, it is the African today that is accused of being racist:

If you define African identity
If you complain about Global White Supremacy
if you raise the issue of the legacy of slavery
if you say We need to own our own stuff
if you believe we must unite and heal our wounds
if we discuss race/racism
if we are critical of their hegemony
if we call them "they"
If we talk about our OWN voice in history

So "you are a racist" is a mechanism to cause you to dis-engage. It is a thought terminating phrase —intellectual terrorism, to avoid a true and honest discussion of the very real world of White domination.

So this article is written in their language— but we are the racist. We wear their clothes— they do not wear ours. Films about Africa and books on slavery are mainly written by them— not us. Africans practice their version of Christianity with a God that looks like them— But we are the racist. We live in their economic system, and majority of us work for them, they are the boss, we are the workers but we are the racist. They occupy our countries we have no military in any of theirs, yet it is us that are racist. Something does not follow.

The other thing that needs to be debunked: "Oh do not generalize all White people." Yet despite them all not being evil the general condition of the African is oppression via White agents; white institutions, white media, white mis-education, white systems of injustice and hierarchies of beauty. So we can therefore conclude clearly the general condition is met to generalize.