Experienced something today that almost made me regret kooning (long read)

Metta World Movement

Peace and love...to all!!
May 5, 2012
Was at the hospital waiting.....a bunch of people with kids were there and I'm just waiting for my name to be called. So I'm looking around the room while commercials are playing on the TV, just taking a look at everybody out of boredom and curiosity, also looking at all the noisy kids (no pedo)

One lil girl in particular who was three rows behind me, was very......aesthetically-challenged, IMO......dark-skinned, missing teeth, Buckwheat hair, plain-ass raggedy clothes.....and I'm like :scusthov:.....she was with who I assumed was her mother.....

(Now I know y'all are rolling your eyes at this point, "Here goes Mr. Koonment again", but just bear with me......I'm going somewhere with this, I promise.....)

Anyway, I also noticed another lil girl in the back row on the next side of the room, about the same age as the first one (they looked around 5, 6 years old).....long, pretty hair in a ponytail, light-skin, got her lil fashionable outfit and earrings on; just an adorable child.....you could tell her parent(s) spoiled her. I'm looking at her in her lil outfit like "Swaggin' on 'em :salute:". She was with two women (mother and friend/aunt, maybe?), they both were overweight but I could tell the asses were fat, too.....but I digress.....

So about a half-hour after first noticing everyone, and while I'm watching the TV, the cute lightskin girl starts crying for whatever reason, and one of the women is telling her to stop; but of course she doesn't. The woman grabs the girl by the hand to take her outside but the girl is yucking away from her, crying harder......the woman gives her a light spank on the hand while yanking her outside, and the girl cries harder, saying she wants a soda (from the machine). The other woman just follows them outside, shaking her head with a smile

I watched them outside and the woman is bending down over the girl scolding her, complete with finger in her face.......and the girl is just actin' a fool, jumping up and down in place, screaming to the top of her lungs (you could barely hear it from outside but could see everything through the window), grabbing her hair and dramatically going to a corner and putting her head down in her arms while crying.....just being rude as fukk for no reason. The woman didn't yell at her too harshly or spank her that hard, yet she's screaming bloody murder. Most of the others in the room are pretty much ignoring them or talking to each other about how she needs her ass beat, while me and a few other nikkas in the waiting area got our heads turned like :dahell:, looking at this lil girl act a damn fool. We lookin' at each other, shaking our heads like "this can't be life". I shyt you not, this girl was screaming, jumping up and down and dropping down to the ground for over a damn HOUR - over fukking SODA - with both women trying to calm her down (as well as a few nosy people outside walking up to them, trying to talk to them and calm the girl down)

So after the first few minutes of watching that display, I got tired of it and just focused on the TV while trying to ignore the faint crying in the background. A few minutes after that, the lil dark girl appears out of nowhere and says "hi" to me with a smile....I'm like :leostare: ".....hello.....", then tried to go right back to watching the TV, hoping she'd just go her way. She tells me her name and asks what my name is; I hesitantly tell her my first name while looking around with the :aicmon: face for her mother, who's busy on the phone behind me. The girl says in a sweet voice "nice to meet you" which gets smiles and laughs from everyone, and she asks me a couple of random questions out of curiosity (asking me about why I was there, about my cap, what kind of watch I was wearing, etc.), and I'm answering each one just to not seem mean, all while being embarrassed to be holding a convo with some random lil girl.....not only because of the creepy factor, but because everyone near me is listening and laughing at her random, curious questions....looking at me for my answer every time she asks me a question. After a few minutes, I flat-out ask her where her mother is, she points out the same chick behind me who's STILL on her phone. I told her she should be with her mother but she's like "Mommy tell me go play because she busy"....I'm thinking "fukkin' bytch ignoring her seed like that", but I still ended up playing 20 questions with this lil girl, hoping she'll move on to someone else. Somehow we get to the topic of what school I used to go to...I tell her what my old school was (I'm actually giving her honest answers for the most part for some reason), and she lets me know that she's going to that same school now in the first grade, and I'm like :leon:

She's telling me about her teachers and friends at school, and the kids who tried to get her in trouble in class, and her favorite snacks to eat at school.....I'm thinking "your mother really got you talkin' to random nikkas like this" and I look back to where the mother was......didn't even notice she walked outside to the front area, still on her phone :mindblown:

But I went from being annoyed by the girl to not minding her that much....she's singing her ABCs and asks me if I wanted to see her write out her ABCs....I'm like :manny: "My day's shot, anyway".....so she grabs one of the clipboards from the front and starts writing them on one of the forms next to me, even asking for my help a few times......she asked me to show her how to write K and Q because she forgot, and I showed her; she wrote "YNZ" at the end and I was like "Nah, son :dontlike:......it's Y AND Z; you already wrote N over here, see?"

In the middle of this a chick at the front desk calls a name and the girl tells me that's her mother, so she calls her mother and they go to the back for whatever treatment they were getting...girl tells me again "nice to meet you" and waves bye.......

All I could think was, "..........she was adorable :to:"

I thought back to all the bullshyt about dark women that I ever posted on here and back on SOHH, and for a moment I felt like shyt. Don't get me wrong; I still like 'em light, and I doubt that'll ever change. I'll most likely still make the dark skin comments too because I like to troll too much on here. But, damn....we got some good, nice, intelligent ones out there who are being written off and ridiculed by clowns like me, just because they look a certain way

Brehs, I have no kids, but I want a few someday. And I want a daughter just like that dark one.....she was just too adorable, so inquisitive and well-behaved; all smiles and genuinely happy. I wanted to tell her several times how she shouldn't talk to strangers but I saw no real way to work that in our nice convo, so I just went with the flow

I felt bad for her because it seemed clear to me that her mother wasn't really into her like that; I could be wrong but that's what it looked like

Yes, I acknowledge the weirdness of using two random-ass lil girls as a reference in talking about attitudes toward black women in general, but I couldn't help but make a connection. You could tell that lightskin girl gonna grow up to be a bytch, if her behavior don't get corrected. She might grow up to be a very attractive woman, get all the dikk she wants, but that damn "I want it my way" attitude and the lack of respect she showed, doesn't indicate a good future for her at all.....

Just had to share, on a boring Sunday evening......

TL;DR: saw a lil dark 5-year-old girl and was disgusted; saw a lil lightskin 5-year-old girl and thought she was adorable; later on the lightskin girl acted rude as hell and had me disgusted, later on the dark girl was sweet and cute; felt like an ass afterwards


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
honestly though, Mr. Movement youre a good recognizable poster. Nobody takes this site that seriously but as a dark skin nikka myself it'd be nice if you refrained from the bashing both on here and in real life if you got it like that. Nothing is worse than a light skinned girl thinking shes automatically sexy and shytting on darker people for no reason.

I've heard some very tasteless comments in real life regarding this subject and while I'm too arrogant to let it affect my esteem I still cant help but feel some way about it. And that goes for all of you.
May 2, 2012
honestly though, Mr. Movement youre a good recognizable poster. Nobody takes this site that seriously but as a dark skin nikka myself it'd be nice if you refrained from the bashing both on here and in real life if you got it like that. Nothing is worse than a light skinned girl thinking shes automatically sexy and shytting on darker people for no reason.

I've heard some very tasteless comments in real life regarding this subject and while I'm too arrogant to let it affect my esteem I still cant help but feel some way about it. And that goes for all of you.


Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
No daps or props for this dude man, dude a c00n for even thinking a little dark girl "disgusting".

Emperor Sol

Knowledge and Wisdom
May 6, 2012
she asked me to show her how to write K and Q because she forgot, and I showed her; she wrote "YNZ" at the end and I was like "Nah, son :dontlike:......it's Y AND Z; you already wrote N over here, see?"
