It's NY plus Tebow. It's the perfect storm for ESPN. What people don't get is that the second Tebow went to that team ESPN had their gameplan set. The Jets declined Hard Knocks so ESPN is doing their own version. The closest thing to a newsworthy event that has happened with this team thus far was Revis showing up to camp. But the media has decided the Jets being dysfunctional is the story they're running with so their coverage of the team is going to be catered to that theme. A reporter making an honest mistake and calling Sanchez Tim becomes a story. Words like "mad house" and "circus" are used whenever they talk about the team despite nothing worthy of those descriptions has happened. They have Cromartie go on one of their shows in the morning, he says something jokingly and it's a story for the next two days. It's genuinely some of the most irresponsible "journalism" I've ever seen.