Broccoli Rob

I'm saying though...
Right now I'm rolling a Civic Hybrid - getting ready to cop that Acura MDX

Anyway, I was giving GFID a try, and Rawse decided to tell his listeners that he was shltting on their Honda Accords, a la NORE from The Reunion: "S-Class shlttln on your weak Datsun" (I was driving a Jetta then.)

Incidentally, NORE also said "Fukk Camry, and fukk Honda Accord" on that album. Didn't bother me so much then, and actually it doesn't really kill me now. I like a clean car and nice gear, but I'm not a show-off type with the possessions. But...
I was wondering, along the lines of other discussions that pertained to being taunted with material wealth by rappers... does this kinda shlt get under your skin at all? I mean, they're talking to us, right?