ESPN Failure: Bringing former umpires/officials on to discuss controversial calls

May 1, 2012
They've done this twice in the last few weeks and it's a terrible idea. They are not going to throw their former colleagues under the bus no matter how egregious the call is. Officials and umpires are a close-knit community. They brought on a former NFL official to discuss calls that were made by the replacements and all he did was stick his nose in the air and act as if the 'real' officials have never made massive mistakes. Obviously, the replacements were awful (much much worse than real officials) but bringing on a former official (even though he is supposed to know the rules better than most) is not a great idea if you are looking for an unbiased opinion. He was going to go to bat for the real refs and did.

Last night was worse. They brought on a former umpire to discuss the infield fly rule and he is the only person anywhere that backed up the umpire's decision to call it even though it is clear that it was not ordinary effort nor did he call it immediately which is the whole point of protecting the runners.. you don't call it when you see that the ball is going to drop on a miscommunication. You can find analysts who know the rules just as well as a former umpire does and they might be more objective about it.